..........be careful who represents you!
No, I don't think all Republicans are mean, selfish, greedy people. Most of the Republicans I know are very respectful people with great standards for their personal behavior. It's the Republicans (just like the Democrats) who go way off the fanatical scale with their beliefs that give the whole batch a problem. I am, of course, talking about the latest "throw them some red meat" stunt by "conservative" talk show host, Bill Cunningham as he introduced Senator John McCain. He repeatedly referred to Senator Obama as, Barack Hussein Obama. Great use of the name, "Hussein" to turn ignorant people away from Obama. Only the ignorant will be affected by the comments. No doubt, this latest display is the result of extreme whining by those who blew it with the Republican candidates. I will always be convinced that the time and effort given to Fred Thompson was the Republican undoing for the 2008 election. I think the plan was to have a Reagan-type conservative take the wheel and get the Republicans unified again. While doing so, the Republican talk show types went negative on McCain. When Fred proved he didn't have the stomach for a long campaign, they turned to Mitt Romney; but, many Republicans coundn't get past the fact that he was a Mormon. After Mitt bows out, the only choice is John McCain. He's not the first choice and he's more moderate than desired by the mainstream Republicans. Well, he's all you got!!! As you noticed, I didn't even mention Mike Huckabee; however, he may make his impact by running ignorant people away from Mitt Romney, and may just take enough confidence away from McCain to ruin the election. If the Republicans want another member of the GOP back in the White House, they had better quit the whining and get some good old fashion unification going before it's too late. One of the first tasks in unification will be to get your "boys" to shut-up and play ball for the same team! As for Bill Cunningham; he's stated that he will send his support to Hillary Clinton. What a whiner! You do that, Bill. The Hillary campaign is currently looking for nut jobs like you! Another incident in a long line of mistakes that result in, no less, shooting one's self in the foot.
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