Wednesday, September 17, 2008

..........just thinking.

This is from Josh Marshall:

Let me get this straight. John McCain's top economic advisor, former Sen. Phil Gramm, is the guy who authored the deregulation law that most agree is the ultimate cause of today's financial meltdown. Tomorrow's and probably next week's too. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. John Thain, CEO of Merrill Lynch, which swirled into brokerage oblivion today, is one of McCain's top economic advisors too. And now McCain says he's going to clean up the mess by putting in tighter regulations and oversight even though he's always supported lax oversight and his top economics guy is the one who loosened the rules in the first place.

I wonder if John McCain wears FLIP FLOPS, or eats WAFFLES or FLAPJACKS? I never mind someone changing their mind on something if they are man enough to admit that their original thoughts were incorrect. Damn those Democrats for taking away those regulations and allowing big business manage itself! Oops, it wasn't the Dems at all, was it? Dear Sarah Palin, welcome to the Bush Doctrine!


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