Wednesday, January 21, 2009

.........."Welcome", President Obama!
For the first time in my lifetime, we have elected a President of the United States that is younger than me. As a matter of personal trivia, I thought that was cool. At any rate, America is going onto a new course as of today. Many doubt that this new course will be effective, and many are scared to death of the change that may/will come. I'm willing to try something new. The election of John McCain and, well, his running mate, would have been much of the same old crap; and we know that hasn't worked. Many race relations may have been healed yesterday, and that is always a good thing. I watched most of the festivities on NBC, and I must say that I felt some emotion as American ideals were celebrated. One thing for sure - the man can speak and communicate. That will be such an outstanding change from the past eight years. In one of his latest press meetings, Bush used one of his terms to refer to a decision he had made on WMD - "misunderestimation". I look forward to seeing what will be accomplished by this administration, and I'm glad that I had a part in putting him up there to take that oath. Maybe I'm naive? Maybe all the "sky is falling" talk from the far right will come true? At this point, I'm willing to take the chance. A continuation of our current track in economics and foreign policy would surely not be helpful/safe to Americans. That "base" of support for Bush surely didn't help us out on the financial front. As much as I have criticized President Bush, I almost felt some sorrow for him yesterday as he listened to the speech concerning change, and witnessed the support of Americans at the inauguration. It was even a bit sad as he and Mrs. Bush boarded the helicopter for the last time. Knowing that only 22% of the people you represent is on board with your policy has got to feel bad. Oh right - who cares how the American people feel; we're going to do what is right! Yep.............. Now as for Cheney, I'm just glad that the Sith Lord has left the building! I guess that Jackson Hole, Wyoming is the new "undisclosed location". I can see Devils Tower being hollowed out and used as his lair. I asked a colleague this morning if she watched the inauguration yesterday? She, being a far right Republican wingnut, said; "No. I listened to a preacher most of the day talking about how Obama was going to push abortion legislation forward." What an idiot! Another person that I know was talking to me a lunch one afternoon a couple of weeks before Christmas, and talking about how he couldn't believe that; "we, the American people, had elected a Muslim to the highest office in the land!" He went on to express that he would not watch the inauguration to see a President of the United States be sworn in on the Koran! What scares me is that there are many more idiots, like these two, out there, and all over America! I truly believe that the Republicans are aware of their fate if they don't "reach across the isle" during the next four years. This administration will, in my opinion, define more about Republicans than that of the Democrats who are in majority power. I wish the best for President Obama and the United States of America! I pray that the right decisions will be made for America. I also hope that people who oppose him will give his policy the 'ole college try - who knows, it may be what really works!


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