Monday, May 25, 2009

..........problem solved!
"What problem", you ask? The high school dropout problem. We can fix this with some simple legislation. First, you apply a fee for all students, regardless of age, who miss classes over the limit set by attendance policies. Charge a fee of $25 per absence that is above and beyond the limit. These fees will be charged to the student's parent/legal guardian. The only exceptions will be the extended illness clause, which will be substantiated by a physician; who will also be held liable for $5,000 per absence if it found that they forge a medical excuse for student absence. Now, let's talk about grades and classroom performance. All students are required to pass the classes they take. A letter grade of "F" for any class will result in a $500 penalty per class, and charged to the student's parents/legal guardians. And now, dropping out of school. Upon dropping out of school, a student will understand that his/her drivers license will be suspended in every state nationwide until the dropout reaches the minimum age of 25 years. It will also be understood that a high school dropout will immediately be removed from their home and taken into federal military custody. From that point, they will be drafted into US military service for a period of at least six years. If the dropout is age 16-18, he/she will be sent through a generic military basic training; while at the same time, be required to complete classes necessary for graduation from high school. The dropout will receive no pay for their military service until graduation from high school level courses is achieved. Upon graduation from high school courses, the military will determine the branch of service and job specialty this dropout will pursue. After serving their military time, the dropout will be released back into American society. The moral of the story; "dropping out of high school will have consequences that would motivate students to remain in school and hold fast to the liberties for which so many have given their lives."


At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This system would be entirely too complicated and troublesome for your dropout prevention coordinator -- The Slimer.

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Scott said...

This is also a move towards a total Turmocracy - that's my agenda - to run the entire country!


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