Wednesday, August 19, 2009

..........what have you done to "the party"?

I think the answer is simple. Simpletons like Limbaugh and Hannity are causing more and more citizens to move further to the left every time they open their quite large mouths. I didn't even mention Glenn Beck, as he's not even on the radar any longer. Glenn Beck has been declared a force that needs no opposition - he's just an idiot. I still find it hard to believe that educated adults in the United States of America can side with Rush Limbaugh. Let's face it, Limbaugh is the best ally that the Democrats have for the upcoming off-year elections. Keep talking Rush, and hurl more Americans into the tailspin of living in the land known as Rightwingnutia. A land without reason and only hate. Real Americans are tired of hate and would actually get something done for the good of all. Oh no, am I a Socialist? I want good for all!!!!


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