..........being "under the knife"!
Until yesterday, I have never been a patient in a hospital in my life! I had an umbilical hernia repair done, and am currently healing at home. Needless to say, I was a little nervous on the morning of the surgery; never having experienced this before. I went to my pre-op/admission on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday, I went to the hospital at 8:00 AM, they put a plastic bracelet on me, and sent me upstairs for the final prep. I'm getting more nervous as the time grows nearer and nearer. They asked a few more questions upstairs, and then sent me to my room. I got into the infamous gown without a backside and waited. My nurses were the next ones to come in. Now, I'm really getting nervous! The nurses made me immediately feel at ease with the whole thing - it was incredible! They joked around a little and just talked to me. Nurses are really the unsung heroes of the healthcare industry. Sure, we couldn't pull it off without the doctors, but the nurses are with you before, during, and after all is said and done. The anestesiologist was next, followed by a brief visit by the surgeon (who we know from church). I had my IV put in and started with an antibiotic and fluids. The next step was getting onto the gurney and off to the operating room. After you teach high school in a community for 24 years, you run into a lot of people you know in a hospital. In the operating room area, I met a band parent from years ago who also made me feel at ease. I was rolled into the operating room, crawled over onto the operating table, and put my arms out onto the supports. The anestesiologist commented that he was going to now administer the happy juice - the next thing I remember was waking up in post-op. Wow, what a breeze! I went back up to my room, where Lisa and my mom were waiting. I had some ice water, soda, and a popcicle. I asked if I could go use the bathroom. The nurse said; "sure, and as soon as you do, you can go home." No problem - 10 minutes later I'm getting dressed and on my way into the hall for the wheelchair exit. I was in the car and on my way home at 12:00 PM! I really received great care at our little local hospital. Everyone was so very professional and nice to me. While I hope I never have to have more surgery, I'm glad I know a little more about it. You hear lots of horror stories about hospital experiences, and that's what one remembers. I had a great experience (as surgery goes). I'm missing three straight days of school right now. I don't know if I've ever missed that many consecutive days in my career - I don't like being away. There's so much to get done, and nobody can do it but me. I'm pretty sore right now, and I know I couldn't do a great job if I were there. In fact, I just took two Hydrocodone tablets to ease the pain. I'll be back to work on Monday, and all will be well. For now, I'm watching the thirteen part Winds of War/War And Remembrance DVD series. This was a made for TV mini-series in the 1980's about the beginning, during, and and end of WWII. It took me a few years to finally get the series. It stars Robert Mitchum and quite a few of the 1970's/1980's big actors. I'll have plenty to keep me busy. It's supposed to rain all day and it feels great just to sit and rest. Nothing to do and glad of it!!!
I'm glad everything went well. There is one scene I remember from that mini-series. It is of Robert Mitchum sliding down the sliding board next to the stairs, arms crossed, and very stoic looking. I always thought that was a good idea, to have a sliding board next to a staircase.
Yes, everything went well; and thanks for commenting. I saw the episode with the slide yesterday - I love that scene, too. Robert Mitchum has always been one of my favorite "war movie" actors. Since our oldest daughter is cheerleading this year, we have been going to all the away games. I looked for you at the Starmount game last week. Wow, what support Starmount has for their team! There was orange everywhere. It was probably the best high school game I've seen in some time. It went right down to the last 2.9 seconds.
I've only gone to one game this year (Elkin vs. SM). I guess I'm a "fair-weather" fan when it comes to football. But I CAN'T WAIT until basketball starts. So I guess I'll see you at that game.
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