..........Cheney On Two-Thirds Of The American Public Opposing The Iraq War: ‘So?’
This morning, on the fifth anniversary of the Iraq invasion, ABC’s Good Morning America aired an interview with Vice President Cheney on the war. During the segment, Cheney flatly told White House correspondent Martha Raddatz that he doesn’t care about the American public’s views on the war:
CHENEY: On the security front, I think there’s a general consensus that we’ve made major progress, that the surge has worked. That’s been a major success.
RADDATZ: Two-third of Americans say it’s not worth fighting.
RADDATZ So? You don’t care what the American people think?
CHENEY: No. I think you cannot be blown off course by the fluctuations in the public opinion polls.
Now, on this one I'm going to have to agree with the Sith Lord. We; er, ah, some of you, elected this guy to public office to help; er, ah, control the nation. At any rate, he's doing his job; which is to lead as is to his best vision of what is best for the country. I wouldn't let the public opinion polls sway me either. After all, it'll be someone else's problem soon. That vision I spoke of - I think it must be on a sliding scale. First it was WMD's, then it was saving us from Al Queda, and then it morphed into bringing democracy to the Iraqi people. Miscalculation doesn't even touch this mess that has been created for us by "our" administration. At some point, we have got to establish a clear mission and finish the job. At any rate, we won't be able to pull all our combat troops out anytime soon. The chaos that would ensue as a result of that would blow our minds! We're in it now; and we'll have to stay in it to the end. The hell with public opinion - plan a strategy that will cost us the least amount of our brave service men and women, and communicate a clear mission that we can believe in - THAT'S YOUR JOB.
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