Thursday, October 16, 2008's the John McCain expression that I loved best.
Yes, that's Cotton from King of the Hill. His son sells propane and propane accessories. I watched the final debate last night, and here is my impression. John McCain had no choice other than to go on the attack, and that he did. He came off as a grumpy, old guy with a chip on his shoulder about as big as the state of Arizona! I thought he handled himself well on the issues, and I was impressed with his knowledge of said issues. The one disturbing thing has to do with a personal situation that would effect me and my family if John McCain is elected; and that has to do with his health care plan. John McCain proposes a $5,000 tax incentive to each American to purchase health insurance. I work for the state of NC, and one of the biggest selling points for employment with the state is the health coverage. If every American is guaranteed a $5,000 tax break to purchase their own policy, that will give the state legislators the very tool they need and want to cut all state employees off with health coverage. Many of us won't be able to come close to buying a sufficient policy for $5,000; and tax break or not, we'll still be paying for the policy out of our pocket until tax time. In fact, I wouldn't be a bit surprised at the health care and insurance industry if they raised all premiums to compensate for those who would now not have policies purchased through the state system. This is a bad plan any way that you look at it. I could care less how "the maverick" feels about Roe v. Wade. I see a major league effect on my family if this guy is elected. Many of you will counter my thoughts with feelings about terrorists and the war. At this point, I'm willing to take my chances with "That One". This health care issue is going to play a major role in the fate of all Americans and the economy. A $5,000 benefit will not come close to getting the job done. I was on the fence about who I would vote for until last night. I never thought a debate would make that much difference to me, until now. John McCain has lost my vote, and I would venture to say that he has lost many more with this plan and with his obvious temper. The only people that John McCain will have in his corner now will be those that are loyal party supporters, veterans, and the folks who will vote for anyone who is against abortion. This guy is no maverick - he would be an extension of what his party would demand. You won't convince me otherwise. A real maverick wouldn't even want a party to support his election. I know there's criticism with my argument among some of my readers, but this is just how it is with me. I wonder how "Joe the Plumber" feels about it all?


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