Thursday, August 20, 2009

..........Glenn Beck's 912 followers in desperate scramble to stop hemorrhage of sponsors.

As the uberpatriot’s weepy hate-a-thon on Faux continues to bleed corporate sponsors, his ovine acolytes heed the call --
Yesterday eight more companies, including retail giant Wal-Mart, dropped sponsorship of Beck's program. That makes over 20 companies that have pulled their advertising from Beck's show in the past 2 weeks. Rather than apologize or stop spewing divisive hate speech, Beck seems to be responding by tapping his vast, creepy army of "912" followers to wage a counterprotest. Joining Wal-Mart in hating America: GMAC Financial Services, Roche Pharma ,Progressive Insurance, Best Buy, Sanofi-Aventis, CVS, Travelocity, Geico, ConAgra, (Radio)Shack, Men’s Wearhouse, State Farm, Sargento Cheese, and Procter & Gamble.


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