Sunday, June 03, 2007

..........Fred Thompson.
Relax, I'm not going where you think I am with this. Everyone knew months ago that Fred was going to throw his name in to the Republican ring; but, he is what the rest of the candidates are not - SMART. The field of candidates is now so large, Fred is doing the right thing by waiting. Rumors have it that July 4 will be the official day that candidacy will be declared - Fred says this is nothing more than a rumor. He is smart in that he will give the others more time to self-destruct. The early debates are giving room for that to happen, and Mr. Thompson should have no problem in becoming the Republican hero. Now, will he unify or go along? That's a good question, and the answer will decide wheather I will vote for him. Early indications are that he may get too close to Dubya and the Dark Lord of the Sith. If that happens, he will lose my vote, along with other moderates who are looking for intellegence over arrogance. Chew on that for awhile. The Republicans need to be unified, and they need it in a bad way. I respect Fred Thompson. He is a very well educated and intelligent man. He cut his teeth on the Watergate hearings, and; in my opinion, will see both sides of an argument. He was a lobbyist at one time, became a US Senator, and is a successful actor. His wife is hotter than the rest of the Republican crowd (25 years his junior) - go Fred!!! I don't expect another Ronald Reagan. President Reagan was one of a kind and will never be duplicated. Mr. Thompson has the experience of working with several factions of Conservatives (he worked closly with John McCain), and could be the unifying factor for their party. Now, back to his alliance with the current administration. The only thing that bothers me is his support of the current mess we have in D.C. Take this statement by Mr. Thompson as an example: "I have called for a pardon for Scooter Libby. When you rectify an injustice using the provisions of the law, just as when you reverse an erroneous court decision, you are not disregarding the rule of law, you are enforcing and protecting it."
Scooter Libby is of the Dark Side, (although not powerful enough to be a Sith Apprentice) and is not an honorable man. He should be in jail. I disagree with Mr. Thompson on this. And next, how about an answer to this interview question:

WALLACE: "What would you do now in Iraq?" THOMPSON:" I would do essentially what the president's doing."
Bad answer. If you, Mr. Thompson, agree with what this president is doing, you are clearly not in touch with the situation on the ground and you will not get votes from either the Republicans or the Democrats! Change your allegiance now while there is still time! It's not always smart to side with the current adminsitration on war. In the case of the present situation, it will cause you to lose. Save yourself Fred, let the Force guide you. Beware of the Dark Side, with their lust for power.
I really don't watch Fred on TV. I have seen him in a couple of movies - the one that comes to mind most quickly is The Hunt For Red October. His TV and film role may not really help things. For lack of a better way to say it, he seems to play many asshole roles. I know he will have the ability to speak well, and will be capable of what Darth Cheney and Dubya has not done - commuicate with the American people! I often hear Republicans say that so much in government (i.e. education) should be run like a business. Well, in a business, when something is not working, the CEO listens to the underlings to find the problems. When the problems are identified, changes are made for success. This, clearly, has not happened in this administration. And I'm not just talking about the war; the same is true with our domestic problems as well. Fred Thompson has the chance to change America for the best. He could be our "chosen one who will bring balance to the Force." Fred Thompson could also bring the United States back into a higher degree of respect in the world. There is nothing wrong with being respected for what you are rather than what others will fear you'll do. Move us away from "cowboy justice." I think Fred Thompson really does care about America. I'm anxious to see how he plays his cards in the coming months. Let the Force guide your actions, Fred.


At 7:32 PM, Blogger Josh said...

was thompson saying he agreed with the current "surge"? or with the war strategy as a whole? most politicians seems willing to give this last ditch effort a few more months. as for the situation on the ground.. how come my army friend tells me one thing and the reporters in iraq tell me another? maybe they're both right but only want to communicate the part that supports his political position. even recent reports from iraq seem to suggest progress...

if thompson can indeed be objective and call a spade a spade.. then maybe the current strategy in iraq is the right thing (not suggesting that the war has not been... oh what's that cliché? mismanaged)

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Rise said...

Did you call John McCain a conservative??? And I for one think having a "hot wife" 25 years his junior is NOT an asset.

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Scott said...

I think that John McCain is a moderate conservative who is trying to do something that Republicans do not - reach out to everyone to find some common ground. I respect that about him. I also respect the fact that he (McCain) does not always go with the party. He is much closer to being a conservative than a Republican. That's why most of his chosen party don't like him.

I don't want to sound disrespectful to your friend who is serving in Iraq in any way, shape, or form. I honor his choice to serve our country. After taking the oath of military service, it is the duty of a soldier to do what he is told - no questions asked. He is to follow the orders of the Commander in Chief, no matter what they are. I will say this - it is almost like me serving as a public school teacher. We hear so many negative comments about the public schools. I am; of course, proud of the work that I do in the schools, and feel that I'm successful. In other words, I'm not going to question the work that I have devoted myself to. When I do that with my whole commitment, I tend to not recognize or choose not to recognize the things that are going wrong. A soldier's job is not to question the reasons or the missions. His job is to be successful with the mission. In a round about way; what I'm saying is many individual missions may go the way they are supposed to without accomplishing the overall goal.

As for Fred Thompson, I do see what you are saying about the current surge or the policy in general. I'll have to research that more. If he is referring to the policy as a whole, I support my position. If not, I will have to back up a bit.

I know we are on different sides of the fence on many of these issues, but I really enjoy the debate. Thanks for writing in.

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Josh said...

my friend seems apolitical--like he doesn't pay any attention to politicians. he said most of the young men in his platoon don't follow politics. i was surprised when he said many don't even vote. he said young soldiers in iraq get disillusioned when they see a senator talk about iraq and realize he doesn't know what he's talking about.

in talking with him, i found a lot of parallels between teaching and the military. of course, i was careful not to say that because i didn't want to compare teaching to combat.. although some days... well, anyway. teachers can't do much about their working environments and rely on elected officials to make many of the decisions. soldiers are in the same boat. i guess it seems to many of them that there's nothing they can do except just go fight and maybe it will be over sooner. unfortunately politicians can't seem to figure out a solution on their end, so the soldiers have to keep fighting. it seems like patton said something in the opening scene of that movie like "politicians in washington don't know anything more about fighting a war than they do about fornicating." or something like that.


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