..........what lurks in the mind of the Sith Lord?

There have been all kinds of disturbances in The Force lately. It began when Darth Cheney went onto the hospital to replace a device that monitors his heart rate. To test the device, doctors had to induce a mild heart attack. The picture in the upper left corner shows the instant the heart attack occured. They told him the price of oil dropped $20 a barrel. The effects of the surgery are shown in the next picture.
The Dark Lord has been pushing for attacks on Iran - that's no secret. He also says that the administration ought to wait for "hard new evidence". If he's hinging this on "hard evidence", you can be sure he's already manufactured it. Any second now...............they will find some "good hard evidence"......which will be found to be flawed later on. If there's one thing Darth Cheney does effectively, it's producing "hard evidence" for anything he wants. Cheney, who's long been sceptical of diplomacy with Iran, argued for military action if "hard new evidence" emerges of Iran's complicity in supporting anti-American forces in Iraq; for example, catching a truckload of fighters or weapons (wait, didn't we misplace over 100,000 weapons that we bought and were to deliver to the Iraqi soldiers/police????) crossing into Iraq from Iran.
In other "disturbances", another Bushie leaves the sinking ship in Washington. The Sith Apprentice, Darth Rove will leave at the end of August to "spend more time with his family". Oh, and make no mistake about it, he is not leaving because of pressure in the attorney firings, or the Valerie Plame scandal, or ......................... Give the guy a break. He just wants to retire his light sabre and spend more time with the family.
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