..........the end of the semester is near.
And with that end comes the usual second guessing of ourselves if we have been an effective school. We see the dropouts pouring in at the end of each semester, as some students finally realize that there is absolutely no way they will pass their courses regardless of what they do from now to the end. It happens every semester. It is so amazing how many of these dropouts are seniors. All the teachers are getting "testy" (really, no pun there). They get ill with each other and the students as they cram for the final stages of testing preparation. The dreaded end-of-course tests are near. Three weeks from now will determine how effective we have been (according to the state and our leaders). I agree with a certain amount of testing. We have to have some benchmarks from which to evaluate and grow as an educational community. Getting back to the dropouts..........I really can't understand the mind that would permit being a high school dropout as an option. If a student wants to get a diploma, they will get one. We have progarms upon programs (many funded with private grants) that will help any student complete the requirements. With the current high school dropout problem in mind, Beware of the Elephant in Tall Grass has devised a plan to help our students make better choices. Currently, there is no real civil penalty for being a high school dropout. Every citizen must pay some dues to the United States (you know, 'Murika). No, really, I believe that; and, no, I don't think that is a communistic idea. We have a free culture because of citizens contributing to the common good in many ways. Now, back to my plan. If a student fails to receive a high school diploma, I feel there should be a mandatory four-year term of service waiting on them in the United States Army or in a civil works program that would take them away from their comfort zones and put them to work. Hey, how about working on national border fences or even becoming border guards? I bet that would increase some graduations! There is currently no repercussions for not getting a high school diploma. One could say that you won't be as successful; but, that is full of holes. Americans seem to judge success on dollars accumulated. There are many, many drug dealers in America that would be considered "successful" along those lines. Inadequate behavior should be met with consequences. Inadequate contributions to our society should be met with consequences. Well, I guess it's just easier to blame the teachers for our lack of graduates and move on. I can't wait until the end of the semester! Disney World is near!
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