..........I'm back!!!
I'm sure you're all thrilled about that! It's been a busy several weeks around here. We (the band and I), have had ten performances beginning on November 9. We started with our Veteran's Day program here at the high school. That went great! We had several WWII veterans there. Some students prepared speeches that really impressed me. There was an outstanding slide show, the chorus sang, and the band played. Next came the first round of the NC State Football Playoffs that night. We won, which provided us with yet another round. At least the games were at home. We finally lost to Pisgah HS in the second round. The following Thursday, we had a clinic during school, a rehearsal, and a concert with the Dallas Brass. Wow, that was great fun. These guys are real professionals. They did a great job working with the kids. The marching band performed a partriotic medley with them on the stage that night. It was fantastic! The concert began at 7:30 and went on until 10:00. I've never seen my students so turned-on by music before - they had a blast. The clinic was outstanding. These guys talked about good breath support, etc. They said some of the same things I say every day in class. It was fun to see the students look over at me when they did that. On Saturday following the game (November 10), we had the West Jefferson Christmas Parade. Saturday, November 17 took us to Concord for their Christmas Parade. On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, we went to Salisbury for the Holiday Caravan Parade (we were the honor band), and on to Charlotte for an overnight stay in the City Center Marriott Hotel. The kids were great! It was one of the most restful trips with the kids that I've ever taken! On Thanksgiving Day, we walked out of our hotel to begin the now, Carolinas' Thanksgiving Day Parade. We were the honor band; so, we started the parade at the corner of Trade and Tryon Streets. We got great air time on WBTV. Following the parade, we went to Mooresville to eat buffet at the Golden Corral. We were in the high school parking lot by 6:00 PM. I then waited for one hour while irresponsible parents took their own damn time to come and get their children! On the Saturday following Thanksgiving, we traveled to Blowing Rock for their parade. It was fun. We got there about 2 hours before the parade began. I just let the kids go walk around town, get some lunch, and some hot chocolate before coming back to get their performance equipment. They had a good time doing that. It was about 36 degrees; but, no wind or precip. We did march behind horses!
On another note, I had a Jerry Seinfeld moment yesterday. I was driving through West Jefferson in the late afternoon. The town was crowded and there were lots of cars everywhere. I saw a guy in a truck who was waiting to back out into the street from his parking place. I saw his backup lights on as he was waiting. He was parked two spaces down from the traffic light and was not having any luck at all getting into the traffic. I thought I would be the courteous driver and allow him into the street. He took my option. No wave of thanks! What, I let you into traffic, stalled my progress through the light; as well as, all those behind me, and you give me no acknowledgement? I threw up both my hands - he saw me in the rear view mirror - I saw him look back. Where's my wave. I passed him and went on my way. Oh, and by the way - you got it - he was from Florida!!!
I had a similar driving moment yesterday. The left lane on a two lane (4 lane?) road ended suddenly and surprisingly in a row of yellow barrells, so I puled over and this guy zoooomed past me and whoops, had nowhere to go and I did one of those quick decisions, hit my breaks and let him in front of me. For which I got to eat his dust, period. But we do these tings, I imagine, because we feel that they are right and make us feel good and not for the aknowledgenet of someone that we'd probably not like very much anyway. Einar
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