Monday, December 03, 2007

..........guess who I'm pulling for at the Allstate BCS Championship Bowl in NOLA?
Wow, just the right teams lost at just the right times for LSU to move into the title game. Why am I such an LSU fan? Well, it's all about the marching bands. Louisiana State has an awesome marching band, and their director is not afraid to let them blow. In fact, they blow your hair back and make small children call for their mothers when the volume crescendos. Not only that, they even bring a live tiger to the game - Mike the Tiger. Ohio State has an equally awesome act with that whole writing out "Ohio" single file from the endzone. One of the greatest honors is to be the guy that dots the "i" at the end. It's usually a sousaphone player, but it has been known to be special guests, etc. I can't wait to go to the game! My high school marching band is going to NOLA to participate in a mass band made up of other high school bands from around the country that will perform pre-game and halftime. The college bands always perform an aberviated version of their show before the mass band. The Superdome is an awesome place! We get to rehearse in there on the morning of the game when no one else is in there. We'll be seated with the other members of the mass band on the floor area with the players. It's cool to watch them warm-up on the sidelines. You also get to hear some things from the players/coaches that the other fans won't. The downside to the sideline seats is that those players are tall and it's a little difficult to see everything. Anyway, it's going to be an outstanding experience for my students. I may even enjoy it myself! Go Tigers!!!


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