Thursday, April 10, 2008

..........simple consideration!

I always go completely out of my way to be considerate of others. This is something I do without hesitation simply because I don't want to disrupt other people and whatever it is they are doing. By doing so, I'm often am pushed into a corner and forced to become difficult. It's tough to be considerate of others in a society that values "me" more than "us". Am I a socialist? No, Glenn Beck, I'm quite the opposite; but, I will always believe that being a team player is important. Teaching public school is, at best, a thankless job. Not only is it extremely difficult dealing with the general public; one also has to consider dealing with the different administrative bodies, and worst of all, the other people in other programs within the school itself. Many of you know where I'm going - hmmmm, he must have had another athletic department conflict. If that's you guess, then, you are correct on all counts. Here's how I got there (robbed that one from Glenn Beck - right wing extremist). For the past 24 years, I've had our annual Marching Band Camp during the week that proceeds the beginning of school. It has never changed and everyone knows when this camp happens. I even took special efforts this year to send a copy of my band calendars (July-December) to the athletic director early last month as to avoid any conflict. I talked to the football coach to confirm everything, since we use the same practice field areas. In our discussion, I learned that my camp, which was to run Monday - Saturday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM would present a conflict for football practice. With that in mind, I simply changed our camp to Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, so football could practice early on Saturday morning. Team player, right? That was my intention. I made an obvious sacrifice to be a team player. Now, just this morning, I get a message that the football coach wants to have a three-day camp for Kindergarten - 6th grade students here at the high school on the first three days of my camp! The athletic director asks me if he [the football coach] has talked to me about it. The answer was, of course; "no". There is a battle on the horizon. I will tell all of you Beware of the Elephant In Tall Grass readers out there (both of you), that I will not lose this fight; and, in fact, there may be casualties. An offensive strike is coming on this one. These sports people better get their head out of their hind quarters and look around them. I can be nasty to deal with and it's about time these half-witted, narrow-minded, twits get a taste of someone else being in the world besides them! After I publish this post, I will be preparing for battle! Will I continue to be considerate of these people? You're darn right I will. I'm better than them, and my character is much stronger. There will; however, be a distinct line drawn in the sand over this situation, and I'll dare anyone to rattle my cage from this point on! I do a pretty good job at modifying the behavior of others - thanks to the U.S. Army Drill Sergeant School, Class of 1987. Get down and give me 20!


At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I learned a long time ago never to tell you "Good luck" in a situation like this. The luck, rather, should be wished for those on the other team--the athletic people or, as MP calls them, "athaletic peoples."

Tell them it is fine if they want to have that K-6 camp...but, by the way, the band will be hosting an Easter egg hunt every Friday night at 7:30 for pre-schoolers and we'll need to use the game field.

Seriously--hit 'em hard!


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