..........sounds like someone doesn't want to lose the straw polls!
(CNN) — Sarah Palin will not be attending the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington later this month, her office confirmed to CNN Tuesday.
The Alaska governor had been expected to serve as the headline attraction at the three day event, which is also scheduled to include conservative icons like Newt Gingrich, Rush Limpbaugh, and Ann Coulter. The presidential straw poll conducted at the annual Washington gathering is widely viewed as a reliable bellwether of conservative support. Several of the GOP’s past — and potentially future — presidential hopefuls are also slated to address the gathering, including Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul.
Palin spokesman Bill McAllister did not give a reason for the governor's decision, but did agree with one organizer's explanation that it would be difficult for the governor to visit in the middle of the state’s legislative session.
This whole affair looks like a Sith rally. I wonder if there will be Storm Troopers? I've made a conclusion concerning one of my most basic political beliefs. It's not Conservatives that I despise, it's Republicans; and there is a vast difference in the two. For example; Rush Limpbaugh, Newt Gengrich, and Ann Coulter are Republicans. Glenn Beck is a fair weather Republican, so we won't even put him in the fight. He's nothing but a money-grubbing weasel with a 5:00 PM Faux News show (too bad there's no one home at 5:00 PM to watch, Glenn). It's a sad thing, indeed, to even imagine that a political party in the United States of America would allow someone like Rush Limbaugh to be one of the most powerful influences of their cause; and like it or not, he is that powerful. I think the closest person to being a true Conservative is Mitt Romney. I could vote for him without reservation if he could distance himself from the above mentioned; but to do that, he would have to declare himself a Democrat or Independent. Ah, politics in America!
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