Tuesday, February 17, 2009

..........did you know that there is a CEO of Public Schools in North Carolina?

There is a new position here in North Carolina that was prompted by a private study of how to improve our public schools. Bill Harrison is the newly appointed CEO of North Carolina Public Schools. Everyone who is employed by the NC Dept. of Public Instruction ultimately answers to him, even the State Superintendent of Schools. This has become such a controversy, that the State Superintendent of Schools, newly elected June Atkinson, has asked the NC Legislature to define what her job actually is? It should be interesting to see how this situation plays out. North Carolina, like many states, is going to suffer from an overwhelming budget deficit for the coming school year. No doubt, there will be many, many cuts in programs (many of which need to be cut; i.e. No Child Left Behind), and cuts in personnel. Hopefully many of the cuts will occur in useless administration jobs. Many of the cuts are going to come from the local educational administrations. Did you know that all arts positions in North Carolina (like band directors) are fully locally funded? It's going to be an interesting discussion via the new CEO - I'll keep you posted.


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