History doesn't lie. The Republicans of today are going to attempt to charge that FDR was responsible for the greatest depth of the Great Depression. As a matter of fact, the Great Depression was in full swing in 1929; a full 4-year term before FDR was even elected. Now, let's examine the common bond of some of America's greatest financial woes. Republicans believe in business and that business leaders will make America prosper with very little, if any, government regulation. You see, in their eyes, business leaders in America are honorable sorts who will gain success and give us all the chance to be successful as the fruits of their labors will "trickle-down" to the middle class. The latest debacle in our financial system has proved that failed Republican government deregulation policies, less than honorable financial leaders, and little government intervention in business affairs has left us in the worst financial mess since 1929. What is the common bond in both our current financial crisis and the Great Depression? Remember, this is history. Prior to Democrat President FDR taking office in 1933; he was proceeded by Republican Presidents, Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge. Even when knee-deep into the Great Depression, FDR made cuts in some of his New Deal social programs towards balancing the national budget well before the beginning of WWII in 1941. Prior to Democrat President Bill Clinton taking office in 1992; he was preceded by Republican Presidents, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. Bill Clinton inherited a Recession and was still able to present a balanced national budget before leaving office, and with a $559 billion surplus. Prior to Democrat President Barrack Obama taking office in 2009; he was preceded by Republican two-term President, George W. Bush; and inherited the worst economic crisis since that of the Great Depression. Did I state anything that was incorrect? As a matter for the record, are Republicans really for fiscal conservatism in America?
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