Friday, August 21, 2009

..........big business continues to screw Americans to the floor boards!
AIG's new CEO started his job by taking two weeks off. Oh, and by graciously accepting a $7 million salary: Benmosche, 65, who started yesterday as CEO and president of the bailed-out company, will leave for about two weeks, according to one of the people, who declined to be identified because the plans were private. Mark Herr, an AIG spokesman, said the New York-based firm wouldn’t comment on CEO travel. “It’s probably not a propitious time for an incoming CEO to begin with a vacation,” said Steven Seiden, president of New York-based executive recruitment firm Seiden Krieger Associates. Seiden said that while the absence won’t hurt the company’s financial position, “from a public relations standpoint it’s probably not the wisest thing to do.” BOTEITG Comment: American society will not survive. At some point, we will be the victims of ourselves and cease to exist. Our political system has failed us to the point of being unable to reach compromise worthy of the American Dream. Collapse will occur - it's just a matter of time. Well, our Founding Fathers had good intentions.


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