Thursday, August 31, 2006

..........automatic toilet flushers and velcro shoes.

So what's the deal with automatic toilet flushers? I went into the boy's restroom at school yesterday to relieve myself at a urinal. I went past all three urinals while looking for one that had been flushed. No luck. Then to the three stalls - agian, no luck. All the urinals and toilets had human waste and tobacco products in them. I think we are raising an entire generation of people who either don't know how to flush a toilet; or, they spend too much time at the local WalMart where the toilets do all the work for them. Do they have automatic toilets at home? Do they flush at home? I am truly concerned for this generation of people - not so much for their welfare, but mine. Why me? These are the people who are going to support me in my retirement years. This is the thought that wakes me in the night! Now it's toilet flushing - what next?

I am completely convinced that the whole thing started with velcro shoes. Why were these "made for slackers only" things ever brought onto the American retail market? I have a couple theories. Number One: the parents are too lazy to teach their kids how to tie their own shoes. These are probably the same parents who love the automatic toilet flushing idea. If velcro shoes, that allows the parents more time to sit on their butts and do absolutely nothing! Number Two: The oil companies are in charge of all the velcro production. They will bring us to our knees by whatever method is necessary to accomplish their mission. The thought being; "Today velcro shoes, then automatic toilet flushers. After that we can sell a war in Iraq with no problem at all. They will never question us - we have dulled their sense of responsibility to accept any of our ideas! We'll raise gas and diesel prices to unheard of levels and just tell them that our investors are getting nervous."

Responsibility of the individual citizen is the real problem. Our senses are so dulled by so many things that we don't think we can change - our reaction - accept it and go on with our lives. Speak out America!!! Fight the things in our society that cause the senses to be dulled. Don't patronize establishments with automatic toilet flushers and those that sell velcro shoes. Stand up for all Americans and make a difference with your individual protest! Above all, beware of the elephant in tall grass!!!


At 1:03 PM, Blogger Josh said...

well, i think the problem in this specific case can be summed up in 5 tiny words: good ol' ashe county boy.

i don't mind automatic stuff. gives us americans more time to piss off all the other countries. at least we don't have bidets or squatters.

btw, g dubya was in salt lake today (american legion conference). i actually got caught 3 days ago in traffic when they shut down a street for rummy and condie to go by. they were accompanied by about 20 state trooper motorcycles and two mini buses filled with rifle toting people.

At 7:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man,
I'm with you on the flushing
everywhere I GO- EVEN CHURCH, I step up to the bowl and see yellow- or worse yet- a school of brown trouser trout swimming around
How hard is it to pull a handle ?
take it easy on my velcro shoes
I run 21 miles a week and don't have time to re tie every few feet
and velcro on my work shoes means less time getting ready and less time to get barefoot as soon as I get home !

At 11:37 AM, Blogger Scott said...

Hey Bird! Wow, I'm glad you wrote in. Come and visit us anytime.

For those of you that don't know Eddie, he was my roomate in college - lot's of good stories there!

Ed, Josh worked with me here at ACHS and is now attending BYU as a graduate student/assistant. He has good stories as well.

Josh, cool seeing the motorcade. Were the mini buses like ours? I saw a great movie last night about the Secret Service - "In the Line of Fire" (Clint Eastwood) - have you seen it?

At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with your thoughts completely. However I can't say that we have those technological advances here in Davidson County. So our urnials don't always get flushed which is perhaps more distracting than the auto flushers.


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