Tuesday, November 14, 2006


So, I wonder what Jesus would have to say about the debate that is raging in the North Carolina Baptist Convention right now? The issue - do we accept gays into the church? As usual, I have a controversial and seemingly liberal response. Being a United Methodist, we open our church to everyone who has the desire to learn more about God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. We have no pre-requisites for taking part in worship or communion. As for the gay issue - I don't believe in the gay lifestyle, and I don't support the gay political adgenda. The only question that I have in the back of my mind is this - is a person gay at birth or is it always a chosen path? Many argue that many gay individuals are just that at birth and they cannot control their attraction. If this is indeed the truth, then God created them in that way. Again, if this is true, is God capable of a mistake? Is God trying to teach us something about universal acceptance? I don't really know; but, I do know that I don't descriminate aganist those who say they are gay. I have taught gay students in school throughout the years and I can't imagine not treating them any different than the other students. I can't imagine not being kind to someone who is openly gay, or helping them out when they need a hand. With that, should we deny the openly gay the right to worship in our churches? I could not. I want everyone to know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and that the love of God is always with us. To make a denial for someone to worship based on chruch doctrine, may cause a person to not learn the way of salvation, and know the love that God has to offer. I have been a Christian my entire life, and am far from perfect. Each day I sin aganist God in thought, word, and deed; by what I have done, and by what I have left undone. I have not loved God with my whole heart, and I have not loved my neighbors as myself. I can only ask forgiveness for my sins. Who knows, acceptance in the church worship may even change the way an openly gay person lives their life. Church should be inclusive not exclusive. Like I said earlier - controversial, at best; and quite liberal.


At 10:23 AM, Blogger Josh said...

wwjd? it's an interesting question. it's good on one level and fairly presumptuous on another. it's helpful to guide our own lives and our personal choices, but who can say they know what Jesus would do in every situation? but, i do try to think about it and keep my life in that direction. i, too, cannot imagine treating gay people differently. i can't imagine Jesus not loving gay people. however, i think that Jesus instituted sacraments or ordinances (baptism, communion, marriage, priesthood, etc.) and He requires partakers of these sacraments and their associated covenants be struggling (taking their crosses) to live their lives in accord with His commandments. Jesus loved adulturers and theives, but he only forgave the truly penitent and he commanded them to "go and sin no more." His quest was to set the perfect example for us and repudiate all sin. sin is what keeps us from our Father's presence. though i don't understand why gay people are gay, i know that chastity is one of God's laws, and it applies to everyone gay or straight. the church should serve sinners (a frank term, but one with biblical support in many areas of bad behavior, and a term which applies to all us at some point or other) as Jesus clearly taught, but the purpose is to raise them up so they are worthy to partake of the sacraments.

i guess that's my take on WWJD on gays in the church.

At 11:17 AM, Blogger Scott said...

I think as a follow-up on the whole NC Baptist Convention meeting, it was stated that they were not choosing to not allow gays to worship. They were going aganist congregations that supported the whole gay lifestyle and said it was alright to be church leaders, etc. They also said, and I agree with this, that the only reason this is a real issue is that of all the sins, the gays are the only ones that have their own advocacy group. I would have to agree with them on that point. As for simple worship by gays in any church, I would say "yes"; with the hope that their experience would help them change their lives.


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