Tuesday, October 31, 2006

..........shame on you, Mr. Kerry!!!

Shame on you for your insult to our brave American Armed Forces! No matter if it was a joke gone wrong or not, you should have thought through that one. Your statements make small of the heroic attitude of all our troops. You dishonor them with your poor choice of words. Be a man and apologize - don't even begin to defend your actions; and don't blame others for taking your comments out of context. You said it. You were wrong. Take responsibility for your actions.


At 7:22 PM, Blogger Josh said...

you're posting so fast! no.. time.. to.... read it all... sorry, i slipped into a william shatner impression..

At 5:22 AM, Blogger Scott said...

Too much....time...on...my...hands.
Shatner is great? He makes all actors know that they have a place in the entertainment world. Heck, Paris Hilton may not even be a celebrity if not for William Shatner. That makes me want to recite some song lyrics to the actual music (remember his version of "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds"?).


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