Tuesday, October 17, 2006

..........one small step for average computer users, one giant leap the the elephant in tall grass!!!!

As promised - pictures!!! After a long Saturday at the George Wythe HS band contest (we - the band - got killed), we (the family) decided to go on a much needed pleasure drive on Sunday. We, along with all residents of the state of Florida, chose the Blue Ridge Parkway (sometimes referred to as "The Blue Hair Parkway"). It was a great trip - we had so much fun!!! The weather was perfect. Lisa drove. We had only one SNAFU during the trip. Coming just north of the Linn Cove Viaduct, came an RV (state of origin unknown, but assumed) driven by an older adult who was attempting to drive and take a picture at the same time. He ran off the road, pulled it back on too quick, and came across the center line toward us. Lisa said, #@*$!!! The kids were listening to Ipod. Lisa is a great defensive driver. He got his M1 tank back into his lane and headed for his next victim. I think I saw a banner on the side that said "Utah or Bust"! We had a great time.Oh, and I captured a taste of local North Carolina election advertisements for you as well.


At 6:57 PM, Blogger Josh said...

great... that's all we need here.

there was an article in the salt lake paper the other day on the front page of the travel section about the blue ridge parkway. huge color pics of the viaduct and everything. it won't be long until you see utah tags everywhere!

At 6:24 AM, Blogger Scott said...

How about that "Billy Ralph" campagin? I wonder how long he plans to stay in teaching? He is really "into" this whole politics thing. I know someone who really wants that job.

At 7:36 AM, Blogger Josh said...

i think he's been campaigning for years.. not sure if he ever wins. i voted for him last time. but i'm sure he'll retire first chance he gets

At 8:20 AM, Blogger Scott said...

He has been a County Commissioner in Watauga this past term - the big thing is getting the new hs built. He's a "character".


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