..........where has it gone?
Foedus Fidelitatis
Ego vixillo fidelitatem voveo
Unitorum Statuum Americae
ac rei publicae , ipsum stat,
uni nationi,
sub Deo,
indivisibili, cum libertate atque,
iustitia omnibus.
The Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to the flag,
of the United States of America
and to the republic, for which it stands,
one nation, under God,
with liberty,
and justice for all.
The Pledge of Allegiance in Latin and English. It might as well be in a different language if we don't show the proper respect and understand the sacrifices made each day by Americans for over two hundred years. This is about respect for a great nation being held hostage by changing values and an entire generation concerned more about "interpreted rights" rather than freedom itself. At the high school where I teach, we begin each day with the Pledge of Allegiance. Some do it because the Governor of NC said we will; and others, like myself, do it out of respect and pride. Here in NC, we have the "Character Trait of the Month". Many parents refuse to teach good character traits to their children at home; so, the Governor says we will do it for them! Sounds rather Conservative, huh? This month the character trait is "Respect". The NC Dept. of Public Instruction defines "Respect" as "showing high regard for authority, for other people, self, property, and country." Well, that is one of the last things I see from many of our students. Now, back to the Pledge of Allegiance. We begin each day with the pledge. As I stand with my hand over my heart, facing the flag which is hanging on my wall, I look over and see two students seated, with their back to the flag! These two have completely missed the boat! When I recite the Pledge, I can't help but reflect on the sacrifices that so many have made so these two "dirt bags" can show disrespect. I wouldn't have that "right" taken; but, I can be offended. Imagine the courage it took to sign the Declaration of Independence, winter at Valley Forge, preserve the Union at Gettysburg, life in the trenches of France, storm the beaches of Normandy, fight Communism in Korea, patrol the jungles of Vietnam, keep nuclear war from destroying our very way of life during the Cold War, and now, the desert battles in Iraq and Afghanistan. The men and women who have done and will do all of that for our freedom deserve the Pledge of Allegiance. If not because you believe in it (which I do deeply), then for those who have given us the ability to make choices. What these two students lack is character in general, and responsible parenting. Parents are responsible for education of such things. Don't leave this responsibility to the state. One may say that I'm too sensitive and this is just a case of two teenagers trying to get attention. I recommend giving them some attention alright! Send them outside while responsible American citizens recite the Pledge of Allegiance! This is not my usual political post - this is far more important. The United States of America is the greatest nation on the planet, and will always be just that! There is no exception to that statement. It is the responsibility of all Americans to teach respect for the nation. We can never repay the sacrifices. I, personally, am in awe of it all. God Bless America!!!
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