Wednesday, September 20, 2006

..........if you want it, you can buy it.

Well, after years of searching, I've finally located them - Indonesian Water Buffalo Bells! I found them on page #99 of "The Percussion Source" catalog ( Did I just do a commercial? At any rate, these come in a set of three, and are made of brass with a wooden clapper that can be pulled from the bell and used as a small striking mallet. Each bell is decorated with a relief of a water buffalo head. What a bargain - only $42.50 for the set of three! I've always heard, "If you make it, someone will buy it". Wasn't that the theory for the movie, "Field of Dreams" (also the honorary name of our football field here). You can also find more great instruments from this company. How about a set of Vietnamese Singing Bowls. Easy to get "singing" when the included strikers are rubbed around the unique outside turned rim. This is a set of six for only $179.50. How about this - a Quijada (jawbone). The Quijada has the teeth of the animal that vibrate in the jaw when struck on both sides(yes, it's a real jawbone). You should see the assortment of triangles. The advertised "Best Seller" is a 10mm triangle for only $405.00. This one is made by Buddy & Thein. Maybe I can get one for all the percussionists at that bargain price(sorry - drummers). These guys even have a stand for your tambourine. Why balance this intircate instrument on your knee when you can buy a tambourine stand for only $51.00. I'll end with my personal favorite - the Vietnamese Nipple gong!


At 7:36 PM, Blogger Josh said...

haha. my comp teacher was just talking about nipple gongs... but he said he called them something else in class to keep people from snickering.. can't remember what he called them. i had never heard of them before.

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Scott said...

after doing some extended, hands-on research, i have learned that the sound of the nipple gong is more prominent when the weather is cold.

At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oddly enough I find nipple gongs all the time at the frozen foods section of the grocery store....


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