Monday, September 11, 2006

..........all that really matters.

Today is the five year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. This date has had enormous impacts on all Americans. Basically, everyone in the world has been affected by the 9/11 attacks. We reflect, we try to avoid the same mistakes, and we cast blame for those horrible events. I like to reflect. My father told me that he can remember just what he was doing when he heard that President Kennedy was killed. I can remember this day five years ago quite well. It was a beautiful day in western North Carolina - not a cloud in the sky. The air was crisp and somewhat drier than usual for this time of the year. I was in the copy room at school running-off some drill charts for the marching band when one of my band kids ran into the room and said, "Turn on the TV. A plane has hit a huge building in New York!" Things went from bad to worse as the morning went on. Classes continued as usual. We didn't quite have a grasp of how our world was changing right in front of our eyes. Oddly enough, the chorus here at the high school is rehearsing John Lennon's "Imagine" while I am writing this. They have been working on the tune for a couple of weeks. I got a call later that day from one of my cousins. His brother, Jim, had a daughter (my cousin Sandy) who boarded a plane that morning in Washington, DC for a flight to the west coast. Sandy was physical therapist at the Georgetown University Medical Center. She, and some of her friends had planned and saved the entire year for a vacation in Australia. Her friends left the day before and flew to LA, where she was to meet them later in the day on September 11. She died five years ago when her plane, Flight 77, flew in the the Pentagon. Her remains were recoverd and brought to her final resting place in Caldwell County, NC. Her tombstone is very close to that of my father's, and is a constant reminder of the chain of events that changed countless lives. I had not seen Sandy for several years prior to her death and I regret that. I would most often see her at my Aunt Virginia's house when we were all there to visit. My memories of her are all plesent. Sandy was a kind and gentle person who liked to help others, and that is how I remember her. I can also see a cute 9 year old who used to love riding with me on my dirt bike. Sandy was a great person. That's all I have to say about that.

On a lighter note, all the teachers got ballots in their mailboxes this morning to help suggest some ideas for spirit week. Each school day during Spirit Week, the students dress-up according to the theme of the day. Some of the past years brought us "Redneck Day", "Twin Day", "Favorite Sports Day", "Hippie Day", "Toga Day" (that was a disaster several years ago), just to name a few. I suggested "Dumb as a Rock Day" - I got the blank stare! Beware of the Elephant in Tall Grass would love to hear your ideas for spirit week. I can then share them with the "powers that be" here at the high school. What are your suggestions for Spirit Day?

Well, I hope all of you have a time today when you can pause and and remember "all that really matters". I will pray for all the families who are still suffering the loss of September 11, 2001; and I will celebrate the heros of that day. People who make a difference are just like you and me.


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