..........oh no, poor Michael Vick is being treated unfairly. Give him another chance, it was just dogs!!!
Yeah, I waited for the Vick Camp to implode before I posted about this thug. Here's the living proof that "you can take the thug out of the 'hood, but you can't take the 'hood out of the thug. Another prime example of our athlete/entertainer worshiping society being disappointed that one of our "role models" has fallen to this stupid "Hip-Hop" way of life. Too much money, too much praise, and far too little moral judgement make Michael Vick another fallen sports star. The only thing that makes me feel remotely sorry for this guy is that he was used from the point that someone saw the promise of a professional sports career coming his way. He never really had a chance. He obviously wasn't raised with very many moral standards, and he seemed to surround himself with dirtballs as well. Well, he's going to pay dearly for it now. Prision, high-dollar fines, and the possibility of never playing professional football again await Vick. Should he be banned from the NFL? That's a good question, and it all depends on the whole role model thing. If we expect him to be a positive role model, I say; "no, don't take him back. He blew any chance he had of being a positive role model to young people." This "athletes are positive role models" thing is such a crock! Young people need role models, but they need to see role models who are outstanding citizens. Why do we consistantly believe that people who can run fast, throw far, and hit homeruns are positive role models? I had a role model - it was my dad. My dad was not an extrodinary athlete, he didn't have a multi-million dollar contract for his talents, and he didn't have the praise of strangers all over the world. My dad went to work every day to support his family, he loved his wife and never cheated on her, he served in the military when his country called, he saw that I had everything I needed to live a good life, he taught me the difference of right and wrong by his own example, he came to events that I participated in my whole life, and I never saw him take advantage of anyone. I never needed an athlete to be my role model.
Who's that other guy pictured? Oh, that's the head of the Atlanta branch of the NAACP who stated today that Vick is being treated unfairly, and he should be given another chance. He wouldn't be treated that way if .................blah, blah, blah. I don't care what they let Michael Vick do after his sentence. He is only an entertainer, nothing more, nothing less. I don't expect anything more from him just because he has athletic talents. I hope he is able to see his error and I hope he changes. Only time will tell. Good luck Mike!
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