Friday, April 11, 2008

..........Friday Funnies!!!

Wow, it's been a while since we had some good Friday Funnies! Enjoy..............

"And according to a recent poll, one out of five people in their 20s believe you can love more than one person at a time. Yeah. Is that shocking? Hey, two out of two New York governors believe that." --Jay Leno

"In case you forgot, taxes are due next week. You know, we all hate paying taxes, but the truth of the matter is without our tax money, many politicians would not be able to afford prostitutes." --Jimmy Kimmel

"Did you see what's going on with the Olympic torch? A lot of protests. It arrived in San Francisco today on its way to China. The Chinese that were traveling with the torch were stunned by the number of protesters. They have never seen this many protesters alive." -Jay Leno

"John McCain's the only presidential candidate who is not currently using Secret Service protection. So far, McCain's only protection is the life insurance he bought from Wilford Brimley." --Conan O'Brien

"Hillary Clinton on Tuesday said she is not a quitter and compared herself to Rocky Balboa -- the washed-up, over-the-hill, white contender who despite a Herculean effort is soundly beaten by the charismatic black guy." --Seth Meyers

"Hillary Clinton's campaign on Friday released her joint tax returns showing $109 million in income over the last seven years. Though most of that comes from Bill Clinton's speaking engagements, book royalties and stud fees." --Amy Poehler

"I feel for John McCain. He has a tough road to hoe now. He's trying to distance himself from George Bush. First off, by completing sentences with punctuation." --Bill Maher


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