..........do something, or get out of the way!
I think that's the phrase that really encompasses what is going on with the energy crisis we face right now. I watched a report on NBC News the other day that stated; reservations for summer vacations are down an estimated 30% from this same time last year. Duh? Let's say you go on a cross country trip this summer and gas is about $1/gallon more expensive than last year. That means you will spend about $25 more each day for a fill-up - not bad; but, the price of fuel will raise the price of everything else you will encounter as well. You will also probably expect to pay at least $25 more each day to feed a family of four, and your hotel bill will be somewhere in the neighborhood of $50 - $75 more expensive each night. Before you know it, you're looking at an extra $100+ each day for that summer vacation. The odd thing is, we, as consumers aren't really doing anything about it. We continue to buy huge vehicles, and we don't choose to support our lawmakers when they strive to make us more energy independent. My point; explore and drill for oil in Alaska; for that matter, in any US state or territory that has the potential! If we had done this ten years ago, we wouldn't be in the mess that we're in right now! It'll take about that much time to explore and get more oil refineries built and into operation. There's no quick fix, aside from sending troops into Venezuela and obtaining another US territory (hey, that could be an option). We have allowed ourselves to be bullied into a real spot because of upsetting the Caribou and the Polar Bears that live in our own country. Damn, catch a few and put them in a zoo - we need oil. If we're sitting on it, it's stupid to let it go to waste. I love nature as much as the next person, probably even more; but, enough is enough. I also love being able to drive to work, feed my family, and have enough left over to send my girls to college. The price of oil threatens everything that America runs on. The time to act is now. I heard the President speak of the Alaskan exploration earlier this week. Unfortunately, the whole idea will have to go before Congress and the Senate before it happens. The flower waving, nut jobs have enough influence to keep it from happening. I agree that the profits by the big oil companies is absolutely obscene. Let's have them put some of that profit to work for America, Untie their hands and let's get something going. Our government should; at the very least, get the new refineries project going; while at the same time, strike while the iron is hot, and get some oil exploration bills in the works. The American public has had enough, and may even force the hand of all who oppose the project.
I agree. I remember seven years ago when Dick Cheney came out with his energy plan, which involved drilling in Alaska, and it was shot all to pieces by the liberal press. Our leaders at that time should have pushed it more, and I remember Cheney finally giving up and saying, "I don't need the grief", because everyone was on him all the time over it. Just think where we would be now if they had listened to him then.
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