Thursday, May 01, 2008

..........National Day of Prayer.

Today is our National Day of Prayer in America. Please take a moment from your day and praise God Almighty for the many blessings that He has bestowed upon America. Also pray for Supreme Guidance for our leaders; and for the many men and women that we have serving us at home and abroad in the armed forces. Later this morning, I'm going to take a brass ensemble up to our courthouse and take part in the service that our local spiritual leaders have organized. At one point, a couple of years ago; we almost didn't get to participate with the music groups because of a question of the separation of church and state. I made it an optional performance for my kids, and all was well. They all wanted to participate, just like all real Americans would want to do. Again, take some time today to pray and reflect on all that we are so very grateful of here in the USA. Without God, none of this would be possible.


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