..........bringin' a knife to a gunfight!
I've given you a couple of recent images of both of our presidential candidates to illustrate what I'm talking about. A post on a friend's blog got me to thinking more and more about this issue. Which images appeal more to you? The guy walking along with Joe Liberman (who is usually not far from his side), or the suit and tie picture with the Rev. Billy Graham and son Franklin Graham; or, is it the younger guy talking with the people about what changes need to be made in America. Whether the changes can be made or not, he is listening and winning the support of the "common guy"; while the other candidate will rely on the 'ole Republican "base" that George W. Bush made such a big deal about. Like it or not, the Republican Party is in a bad way with image and crowd appeal. The Republican Party's commitment to stuffy image won't work in the 21st century. Let me share an experience of my own that will be relevant. When I moved to the current high school where I teach marching band, I swore that I would never, ever use props on the field to win competitions. We would rely on the traditional "playing and marching only" approach to compete. After a couple years of losing by only a couple of points here and there, I decided to continue playing and marching as usual; but, with some props to make the show more attractive to the masses. It worked! It was enough to put us over the top. We still put most of our emphasis on playing and marching; but, we use the props to be more competitive. At some point, the GOP will have to re-invent or failure at the polls will continue to be SOP. The 2008 election is going to be very important for America. I'm convinced that the Democrats sent their best candidate into the race, even when there was another choice in Hillary Clinton that could have won the election, too. Who did the Republicans send? Well, after spinning their wheels with the likes of Fred Thompson; they chose John McCain. You mean that this is all you have to send into this historic race? That's what I mean with my post title. I predict that this election will be a larger landslide victory for the Democrats than that of LBJ in the 1960's. I support standards and many other conservative values, but I can't hitch my cart to John McCain. I don't see or hear someone that is listening to the people of the USA. I see a patriot and an experienced legislator, who has given much to this country; but, I also see "more of the same" old crap coming my way via his presidency. I know this will offend some of my readers, and that is not my intention. It's time to put away the dark blue suit, diagonal striped tie, and white shirt uniform; get a little more involved with the regular guy, and be more appealing to those that will put you in office. It's time to lose or re-invent for success!
Bringing a knife that can't cut the mustard!
Liberal lunatics have chosen a woefully unqualified and pitifully inexperienced nominee who couldn't even bring himself to adopt an American name: Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Where our founding fathers provided their clear instructions to us in being capable for our own government to maintain our freedom, this can not in anyway be compared to the subjective 'judging' of a marching band.
Suggesting that foundational principles and values which solely and directly support liberty be discarded for some ludicrous window dressing which will certainly and predictably subvert what we take for granted is ludicrous.
"At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child - miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill disciplined, despotic, and useless. Liberalism is the philosophy of sniveling brats." - P.J. O'Rourke
As for how we wound up where we are now;
How the Republican Party Committed National Suicide By JB Williams - Michigan News http://www.americandaily.com/article/21604
Who Hijacked the Primaries? by Brett Winterble - Human Events
GOP Leads Astray
"Winghunter"? How about "Wingnut"? Did you brainwash yourself, or did Rush Limbaugh do it for you? I will correct you on one issue - voting is very, very subjective. You can argue that point until the end of time and you'll still be wrong - no question about it. It's too bad that you've hitched yourself to a falling star. In true "liberal" fashion, I welcome your visit to BOTEITG; and invite you back at any time.
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