Thursday, April 30, 2009

..........and the decison to pick Joe Biden for VP was................?

..........this falls into the "interpretation" or "implication" fail category.

..........oh no, someone painted right over the North Carolina General Assembly!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

..........what do you get when you cross a toddler with a trip to a Mexican petting zoo? SWINE FLU PANDEMIC!!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009 who came up with this one?

An Air Force One lookalike, the backup plane for the one regularly used by the president, flew low over Manhattan on Monday morning, accompanied by two F-16 fighters, so Air Force photographers could take pictures. But a lack of awareness about the flyover led to the evacuation of several buildings in Lower Manhattan and Jersey City, and perplexed officials at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and other authorities were inundated with calls from anxious ferry passengers, office workers and residents. Everything had been cleared with the Mayor's office; but I guess telling the people in these buildings would have just made too much damn sense!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I'm not sure if I'm going to post anymore. Have a great weekend, week, month, and year!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

..........back to square one.

Recently, I've been arguing with myself. This same argument has been going on for years, and I want to solve the problem and put it to rest. It concerns my religious beliefs and doctrines of Christianity. Every time that I seem to come to terms with "forgiveness", our minister brings up the topic again, and I really don't know quite where I stand. When I say the Lord's Prayer, I always cringe when I get to the part; "And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us." Taken in context, that's a pretty tall order. My interpretation is that we are asking God to forgive us our sins as we have forgiven those who have wronged us. I don't know about you, but there are a lot of folks through the years that have done wrong towards me and I don't know if my brand of forgiveness is good enough. I don't even know that I know what true forgiveness on the human level is. Man, I'm getting myself even more confused! Is forgiveness not taking revenge against those who have wronged you? Is forgiveness a welcoming of those who have wronged you back into "the circle of trust" (as Jack Burns of Meet the Parents would say)? Is forgiveness also forgetting? If we truly forgive, do we also forget? My feeling about the whole thing is that I caution against the same thing happening to me again via the original offender. I guess that any answer that I would get here on earth would be an interpretation. In the end, I know that I have often asked God to forgive me of the same sin on multiple occasions; so, that says to me that if God forgave me once, He also welcomed me back with the possibility of having the same thing happen again. Did I just answer my own question?

Thursday, April 02, 2009

..........those damn Liberals!!!
How can I be expected to survive on $20 million? These people have no idea what it is like to be "needy". I told them that the weatlh would trickle-down to everyone - I just didn't tell them how fast and in what proportion - stupid, non-Republican suckers! Republican nooze...............
Just in from the Alaskan Front:
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is out, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is in as keynote speaker at a Republican dinner this spring. Palin, the party's 2008 nominee for vice president, had been slated to address the annual Senate-House Dinner in Washington on June 8. The dinner, sponsored by the House and Senate Republican campaign committees, is one of the GOP's biggest fundraisers....A spokeswoman for Palin denied that she had ever confirmed her role as a speaker, even though the NRSC and the NRCC issued a joint press release two weeks ago trumpeting her appearance. News update for Sarah - "YOU'RE IN SECOND PLACE AGAIN!!!!" Ah, life in the trailer park!
From the Newt News Front:
Newt Gingrich has converted to Catholicism. He apparently has the zeal of the converted because he is already attacking Obama for having anti-Catholic values. He tweeted it out the other day about Obama giving the commencement speech at Notre Dame:

"It is sad to see notre dame invite president obama to give the commencement address Since his policies are so anti catholic values."

Newt has been divorced twice, married three times and left one of his wives when she was in the hospital with cancer. Stop me when I get to pro-Catholic values. Newt is also in favor of the death penalty, which is also against Catholic values. How come no one ever protests that?

..........bath time at the Octomom's house. only question is; "which one was here first?"