Friday, June 26, 2009

..........Mr. Bush, you're a winner!
Well, it took a little longer than the first one-hundred days of retirement; but, it's the outcome that's important.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

..........sometimes it just pays not to throw stones when living in a glass house.

..........bomp, bomp, bomp.....another one bites the dust!!!
Yes, another Republican hypocrite bites the dust in the wake of his own finger-pointing! This is the "conservative" Mark Sanford who called for the impeachment of President Clinton based on an improper relationship and lying. Well, I'm not one to kick a guy when he's down; so, I think I'll just go hike the Appalachian Trail - the one in North America!

Friday, June 19, 2009

..........The top ten list: "Right-Wingers From Whom Conservatives Should Be Demanding Apologies."

10) Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, for falsely claiming a hate-crimes bill that adds gay, lesbian, and transgender Americans to the list of protected groups would also protect those who commit incest, necrophilia, pedophilia, bestiality, and a host of other perversions.

9) Fox News' Sean Hannity, for hosting "Internet journalist" Andy Martin, who once called a judge a "crooked, slimy Jew, who has a history of lying and thieving common to members of his race."

8) Syndicated radio host Neal Boortz, for describing welfare recipients as "human parasitic garbage lining up to get their applications to loot."

7) Fox News conspiracy-theorist-in-chief Glenn Beck, for describing Obama's nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court as, "Hey, Hispanic chick lady! You're empathetic. ... You're in!"

6) MSNBC's resident cranky uncle, Pat Buchanan, for saying prior to Sotomayor's selection that he wanted Obama to pick a Supreme Court justice "who has real stature, impresses people" but thinking instead that Obama would pick "a minority, a woman and/or a Hispanic."

5) Syndicated radio host Jim Quinn, for repeatedly calling NOW the "National Organization of Whores."

4) Cincinnati-based radio host Bill Cunningham, for alleging that "Obama wants to gas the Jews."

3) Michael Savage (née Weiner), the third-highest-rated radio host in America, for saying "Obama hates" and "is raping America."

2) Fox News' irrepressible mega-star Bill O'Reilly, for repeatedly quacking that the legalization of gay marriage could lead to folks marrying ducks.

And No. 1, the conservative movement's de facto leader, Rush Limbaugh, for saying of Obama, "We are being told that we have to hope he succeeds, that we have to bend over, grab the ankles ... because his father was black."
More right-wing values that will make America stronger! Actually, I am smart enough to realize that these statements are made to gain ratings and earn money; are you that smart?

..........some real Band Fail.
This is like those lines in South America that you can only see from the sky, but were designed by people who couldn't actually see the forms as they worked on them.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009's not that I hate Republicans - it's hypocrites that I loathe!

LAS VEGAS – Nevada Republican John Ensign apologized for having an affair with a member of his campaign staff more than a year ago and says he remains "deeply committed" to his service in the U.S. Senate. In Las Vegas on Tuesday, Ensign called the affair "absolutely the worst thing that I have ever done in my life," and said he and his wife sought counseling and reconciled.
He didn't name the staffer or her husband, and took no questions after issuing his statement.
He called the woman and her husband "close friends," and said that close relationship at a difficult time in his marriage "led me to my inappropriate behavior."
Ensign was first elected to the Senate in 2000.
Now, let's see what the good senator said in relationship to marriage:
Washington, D.C. – Senator John Ensign took to the floor of the United States Senate today to defend the sanctity of marriage and urge passage of the Federal Marriage Amendment Act. “Marriage recognizes the ideal of a father and mother living together to raise their children,” Ensign said. “Marriage is the cornerstone on which our society was founded. For those who say that the Constitution is so sacred that we cannot or should not adopt the Federal Marriage Amendment, I would simply point out that marriage, and the sanctity of that institution, predates the American Constitution and the founding of our nation. Marriage, as a social institution, predates every other institution on which ordered society in America has relied.” Ensign, in his comments, noted that Nevadans had amended the state constitution to guarantee the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. Ensign emphasized the need to preserve the will of Nevadans who voted overwhelmingly to preserve marriage as well as the need to preserve the will of the majority of Americans. “I am deeply concerned that a few unelected judges and some locally elected government officials have taken steps to redefine marriage to fit their own agenda,” said Ensign. “It is not right to mold marriage to fit the desires of a few, against the wishes of so many, and to ignore the important role of marriage.”
Thank goodness that we have good moral judgement in Washington!

..........more displays of "values" by members the Rethuglican Party.
Over the weekend, a GOP official in South Carolina posted a comment to Facebook comparing Michelle Obama to an escaped gorilla. Now, in a second instance of Republicans playing the race card against the Obamas, Wonkette notes that a racist e-mail was sent out by a legislative staffer for Tennessee GOP state senator Diane Black. The staffer, Sherri Goforth, e-mailed this composite picture of the country’s 44 presidents, which represents President Obama with only a set of eyes.
Nashville Is Talking asked Goforth about the e-mail:

When I asked her if she understood the controversial nature of the photo, Goforth would only say she felt very bad about accidentally sending it to the wrong list. When I gave her a second chance to address the controversial nature of the email, she again repeated that she only felt bad about sending it to the wrong list of people.

“I went on the wrong email and I inadvertently hit the wrong button,” Goforth told NIT. “I’m very sick about it, and it’s one of those things I can’t change or take back.”
This has nothing at all to do with being "PC", as most of the Republicans constantly complain about. This has to do with basic respect for human beings. I really wonder how many Republicans do see something wrong with these incidents? If you don't see the problem, then you are the problem! The GOP, STILL workin' hard for good race relations in America!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

..........Mickey Edwards, former U.S. Congressman, expresses the downfall of the Republican Party on Faux Nooze:

The Republican Party that is in such disrepute today is not the party of Reagan. It is the party of Rush Limbaugh, of Ann Coulter, of Newt Gingrich, of George W. Bush, of Karl Rove. It is not a conservative party, it is a party built on the blind and narrow pursuit of power. Last year's presidential campaign saw the emergence of a Republican Party that was anti-intellectual, nativist, populist (in populism's worst sense) and prepared to send Joe the Plumber to Washington to manage the nation's public affairs. Over the last several years, conservatives have turned themselves inside out... They have turned to a politics of exclusion, division and nastiness. Today, they wonder what went wrong, why Americans have turned on them, why they lose, or barely win, even in places such as Indiana, Virginia and North Carolina.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

..........Cheney Acknowledges Passing The Buck On GM: Bush Didn’t ‘Want To Be The One Who Pulled The Plug’.

Tuesday, June 2, on Fox News, former Vice President Cheney admitted that the Bush administration deliberately decided to pass the buck on GM and let President Obama deal with the problem. Cheney admitted that he thought the “right outcome was going to be bankruptcy,” but that President Bush didn’t want to “be the one who pulled the plug.” Instead, the Bush administration put together a costly auto bailout to stem the tide until President Obama took office:

CHENEY: Well, I thought that, eventually, the right outcome was going to be bankruptcy. … And the president decided that he did not want to be the one who pulled the plug just before he left office.


CHENEY: Well, I think he felt, you know, these are big issues and he wouldn’t be there through the process of managing it, but in effect, would have sort of pulled the plug on GM and that was one of the first crises the new administration would have to deal with. So he put together a package that tided GM over until the new administration had a chance to look at it, decide what they wanted to do.

VAN SUSTEREN: But it’s cost us billions to get — I mean, you know —

CHENEY: It has. … And now the government owns a big chunk of General Motors. That bothers me. I don’t like having government own those kinds of major financial enterprises. I think it’s — it does damage to our long-term economic prospects when we get government involved in making those kinds of decisions.
Republicans; working hard for the financial security of America.