Friday, August 28, 2009's best friend!
Because a cat wouldn't put up with this.

..........spelling is obviously not a priority in Rightwingnutia.
What if stupid people lived in and made up the overall population of the strongest country on the planet? Oops!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

..........welcome to Rightwingnutia.

What is Rightwingnutia, you ask? Well, simply speaking, it's a land were all the extreme right-wing nut jobs reside and push their message of hate throughout America. It's a land where compromise and free thought is discouraged. It's the land created by Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and Glenn Beck. To see what I'm talking about, check out this link; and click onto some of the supporter sites: All hail to the Party of No!

Friday, August 21, 2009

..........big business continues to screw Americans to the floor boards!
AIG's new CEO started his job by taking two weeks off. Oh, and by graciously accepting a $7 million salary: Benmosche, 65, who started yesterday as CEO and president of the bailed-out company, will leave for about two weeks, according to one of the people, who declined to be identified because the plans were private. Mark Herr, an AIG spokesman, said the New York-based firm wouldn’t comment on CEO travel. “It’s probably not a propitious time for an incoming CEO to begin with a vacation,” said Steven Seiden, president of New York-based executive recruitment firm Seiden Krieger Associates. Seiden said that while the absence won’t hurt the company’s financial position, “from a public relations standpoint it’s probably not the wisest thing to do.” BOTEITG Comment: American society will not survive. At some point, we will be the victims of ourselves and cease to exist. Our political system has failed us to the point of being unable to reach compromise worthy of the American Dream. Collapse will occur - it's just a matter of time. Well, our Founding Fathers had good intentions.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

..........Glenn Beck's 912 followers in desperate scramble to stop hemorrhage of sponsors.

As the uberpatriot’s weepy hate-a-thon on Faux continues to bleed corporate sponsors, his ovine acolytes heed the call --
Yesterday eight more companies, including retail giant Wal-Mart, dropped sponsorship of Beck's program. That makes over 20 companies that have pulled their advertising from Beck's show in the past 2 weeks. Rather than apologize or stop spewing divisive hate speech, Beck seems to be responding by tapping his vast, creepy army of "912" followers to wage a counterprotest. Joining Wal-Mart in hating America: GMAC Financial Services, Roche Pharma ,Progressive Insurance, Best Buy, Sanofi-Aventis, CVS, Travelocity, Geico, ConAgra, (Radio)Shack, Men’s Wearhouse, State Farm, Sargento Cheese, and Procter & Gamble.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

..........what have you done to "the party"?

I think the answer is simple. Simpletons like Limbaugh and Hannity are causing more and more citizens to move further to the left every time they open their quite large mouths. I didn't even mention Glenn Beck, as he's not even on the radar any longer. Glenn Beck has been declared a force that needs no opposition - he's just an idiot. I still find it hard to believe that educated adults in the United States of America can side with Rush Limbaugh. Let's face it, Limbaugh is the best ally that the Democrats have for the upcoming off-year elections. Keep talking Rush, and hurl more Americans into the tailspin of living in the land known as Rightwingnutia. A land without reason and only hate. Real Americans are tired of hate and would actually get something done for the good of all. Oh no, am I a Socialist? I want good for all!!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

..........there's obviously no spellcheck available in the WalMart "make your own political protest poster" section.
Sorry, we can't fix stupid.

Friday, August 14, 2009

..........There is no antidote for stupid.