Thursday, September 24, 2009

.........."I want my country back!"
It’s been the battle-cry as teabaggers take to the streets with their misspelled, angry signs. But back to WHAT?

While George W. Bush was in office, the median household income declined, poverty increased, childhood poverty increased even more, and the number of Americans without health insurance spiked. Oh well, at least it can't have been as bad as when that murdering rapist Bill Clinton was in office, right? Wrong.

Under Clinton, the median income increased 14 per cent. Under Bush it declined 4.2 per cent. Under Clinton the total number of Americans in poverty declined 16.9 per cent; under Bush it increased 26.1 per cent. Under Clinton the number of children in poverty declined 24.2 per cent; under Bush it increased by 21.4 per cent. Under Clinton, the number of Americans without health insurance remained essentially even (down six-tenths of one per cent); under Bush it increased by 20.6 per cent. But… but… Bush kept us safer! Well, except for that whole September 11th thing! And the anthrax attacks! And the time he partied while Katrina wiped out thousands!

Saturday, September 05, 2009

..........okay, check this out.

There were three Republicans and four Democrats on a large lifeboat and lost at sea. Each person has provisions for three days. The Republicans decide not to share and that they will only eat what is theirs. They worked for it and; therefore, the provisions belong only to them. The Democrats decide that the best way to survive would be to take a small portion of everyone's provisions and use it as bait for fishing. With that, the Democrats theorize they could all survive longer if everyone pitched in an amount of bait based on their food intake, they could catch some fish, and share in the good fortune. The plan worked. The Democrats used the bait, caught some fish, and everyone who chose to take part in the plan got along just fine. The Republicans, on the other hand, ate their own provisions and ran out in three days. The boat was spotted and everyone was rescued in six days. The Democrats recounted their ordeal and how they worked together to survive. The Republicans were just hungry and complaining about "those damn socialist Democrats".