Tuesday, December 19, 2006

..........Merry Christmas!!!!

Beware of the Elephant in Tall Grass would like to wish everyone who reads this blog a very Merry Christmas. I hope you all find comfort and happiness being with your families during the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. This is a Christian celebration - rejoice!!! The King is Born!!! Give thanks and be glad!!!


At 7:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks! That's a very pleasant wish during a week that is soo hectic! Merry Christmas to you, too!

At 7:30 AM, Blogger Rise said...

Are you going to the ballgame tonight? Starmount has another great team. It should be a good game.

At 4:47 AM, Blogger Scott said...

Unfortunately, I did not get to go - choir practice and all. Go Starmount!!!

At 6:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well where's your loyalty? It WAS a good game. Starmount finally won in overtime. Your #24 is cute as a button.


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