Monday, January 15, 2007

..........I'm a smart ass.....and other thoughts.

Yes, I admit it; I'm a smart ass! I realized it this morning at work. We had a teacher workday and I was called to the office to sign some papers. I made a "smart ass" comment when I got there and everyone in the room just starred at me for a moment. I once heard that being sarcastic is the work of a lazy mind. I'm not sure that I completely agree with that - if not for some good sarcasim, I would have very little to say! I do believe my ability to be sarcastic goes hand in hand with being the smart ass that I am. Maybe some big adult will just punch me in the mouth one day when he/she has had enough; until then, I'll probably continue to be a smart ass to some degree. I will give it an honest effort to curb some of my enthusiasm for sarcasim.

I watched two football games yesterday, and they were both great games. I'm looking forward to the NFL playoff games next week. I'm pulling for the Saints. I like da' Bears, but I will always take something from New Orleans over anything from Chicago. Basically, the only great thing that came out of Chicago is Hugh Hefner.

After the games, I also watched 60 Minutes. I never watch 60 Minutes; but, I saw the advertisement for an informal interview with President Bush and another spot with the parents of the Duke Lacross parents. I thought it would be worth some of my valuable time. I was very impressed with the President Bush interview. He was talking candidly about many different subjects, and I finally felt a connection with our Commander in Chief. I bet there were many more just like me; people who want to support and believe in our leaders, but have a hard time because they don't feel that connection. The interview showed him in some more informal spots (i.e. getting into, and flying from the White House on Marine 1). They showed the President making some small talk with others around him, etc. I enjoyed that. The President was not shown as the hardcore leader, but just a regular guy for a few minutes. The rest of the interview took place at Camp David. Some hard questions were asked, and the President responded as a regular guy. I wish this side of the President would have been shown more often. The country would have responded in a positive way. Sure, you can be a stone wall with policy, values, and action; but show your people that you really are in it with them. Good job Mr. President! As for the Duke University Lacross team - you guys had a wild, drunken party and you hired some low-life, chip-on-their-shoulders black female strippers to show up and entertain you. Did you pay for their services with daddy's VISA, or did you flash them a wad of cash? My sympathy runs very low for you; however, you probably were the victims of a poorly run local justice system. The DNA of four men other than that of any of the Duke Lacross team was found in the rectum of one of the black dancers (how would you like to have retrieved that evidence?). I hate that anyone is wrongly accused. Duke acted too quick on the whole thing, and many lives were changed as a result of the accusations made. Don't worry though, mommie and daddy will buy, excuse me, help you reclaim your honor.

I saw some spots on rebuilding in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. The federal government approved somewhere in the neighborhood of 10+ billion dollars to help the residents rebuild. To date, only 2+ billion has been used. The policy for this money to be spent is based on the individual homeowners having the work done and then being reimbursed for the costs. How stupid is that? These are people who don't have enough "where-with-all" to get the work done prior to a reimbursement. I also questioned the reason the federal government is even paying for anything at all. My wife reminded me that the reason these homes were destroyed was because a levee built by the Army Corps of Engineers and inspected annually by the federal government broke. She does have a point there.

Orders are being carried-out right now for sending 21,000 more troops to Iraq. I hope all goes well for them and their mission. I hope Congress does not tie their hands by blocking monies to do the job. Blocking the monies will result only in soldiers in the field not having the equipment to do the job. The "higher-ups" in the military structure are pretty bad to say, "...just make it happen. I don't care how you do it - just make it happen"! These "higher-ups" care more about themselves looking bad in their leaders eyes than they do about the Privates on the ground. The name of the game - "do more with less". I hope our leaders don't let that happen in Iraq.

The Iranian leader, Ahamademajad is doing the smart thing. He is going to leaders around the Middle East and the world to make allies of those that will further his cause. Building alliances for the future that is sure to come - a conflict with the United States! I hope our leaders are doing the same thing. We may have to modify and compromise with those who have been our supporters in the past and do what is necessary to succeed in the end. The alliance of Iran and Venezuala on oil prices is a start for them. One radical and dangerous leader to another can relate. We need alliances. We need more countries on our side. I hope we can put some of our differences aside and get the job done!

I watched some good movies over the weekend. I watched Easy Rider on Friday night. This is one of Dennis Hopper's first directorials. I forgot what a druggie/flower child oriented flick that was. I still enjoyed it. While on my late '60's film fest weekend, I also whatched The Graduate - another "confused youth of the '60's" type film. Sunday was my biggest surprise film - I watched Memoirs of a Geshia. Now, those of you who know me, certainly know that this is not my genre of film; but I thought it was outstanding. It was a romance film, but I did have some football and some grilling-out to balance the outcome of the day. I grilled a pork tenderloin with indirect heat on my charcoal grill using lump charcoal and hunks of hickory. Next time - an entire pork shoulder!

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I certainly do honor the works of Reverand King. He did a great deal of good for all races of people in America. I hear there is a politician type from Conneticut, or some other damn Yankee state, going to South Carolina today to try and get the Confederate Battle Flag taken off the Capitol building in Columbia. I bet if you stood on Strom Thurmond's grave, you could feel it rumble! Just honor Dr. King's works today. Don't talk about the Confederate flag, and please don't show me any Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton!!!

Well, I've gone on enough. Ya'll have a great week....don't work too hard, keep 'er between the ditches, and don't do anything I wouldn't do! Smart ass.....OUT!!!


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