Tuesday, March 27, 2007

..........Uncle Sam is the man!!!

The Democrat Congress messed-up with the whole spending bill attached to a definite withdrawl of troops thing. The Congress says they want to see an end to the war and a timeline for the troops to come home. This is definitely a top priority for my way of thinking. This war has been an endless string of miscalculations, mismangagement, and outright lies. "Mistakes were made" is not being accountable for all that has happened. We're in this thing now; and, just like the Vietnam War, there is no end in sight. You can rally around the political party, the president, and patriotism; but, the result will still be the same - some of the very best America has to offer will be killed, many will have permanent physical disabilites, and all who serve will have emotional problems for the rest of their lives. What will we have to show for it? The Glenn Beck's, Dick Cheney's, Don Rumsfeld's, etc., etc. will tell us that we have to kill them before they kill us. Are we just going to abandon all negotiation in the Middle East? We already have. We stay in Iraq because we have created a mess that the governments of the world will frown on for decades. Now, to my real point. Listen to the numbers of soldiers who are dying while serving their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th tours of duty. At some point, the odds go aganist the soldier. They volunteer out of bravery and patriotism. With continued deployments, we take away the chance for them to get back home to their families and the ability to lead a normal life someday. War is hell!!! How much longer can we keep the fight going with the same people? The Congress dropped the ball with the spending/funding the war bill. What they should spend their time doing is a bill to bring back the Military Draft. If we are to win, it will take large numbers of troops. If we are to have our military survive, it will take large numbers of troops. If America truly believes in the mission, then everyone should be obilgated to serve. My gosh, we are in the fifth year of this war! If there is a true support for our leadership in America, there should be less re-deployments of troops and more soldiers joining the fight. Bring back the draft and let's win this thing!!!


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