Tuesday, March 13, 2007

..........Rudi's Ex-wives march on Washington, D.C.!!!

In a dramatic display of political strength in numbers, an organization comprising the ex-wives of Republican presidential candidate Rudolph Giuliani marched on Washington, D.C. today, demanding that their thousands of voices be heard. The organization, which calls itself Focus on the Ex-Family, claims 300,000 former wives of the former New York City mayor as its members. They marched from the Capitol building to the White House in one of the largest political demonstrations in recent memory. For some time, Rudolph Giuliani has been thought of as "America's Mayor." This march on Washington shows that he is "America's Ex-husband," too.
In other news, Darth Cheney has been taking some hits for his "possible" involvement in the whole Scooter Libby trial. It's about time for another "distraction" to take away any more bad news. Whatever it will end up being, something will happen soon to distract the "sheeple" of the United States from the facts. Maybe we could dig up Anna Nicole, and claim that her baby's father is John Edwards??? No, that won't work - remember, Anne Coulter said he is a "faggot." I know, lets fire some generals for mismanagement of Walter Reed Hospital. Yes, that should distract the people. Quick, get our boys at FOX on the line............
In other realted news from the Dark Side of the Force, Halliburton moved to Dubai (....is that pronounced, "Dubya"?), because the billions in cash they stole from Iraq is already there in bank accounts. This way, they can keep a better eye on the $$$$$; and keep those "liberals" from finding out. They also know that when Bush leaves office, they would then be charged with criminal war profiteering if their main office remained in Texas. Darth Cheney's stock portfolio gets another boost. That will help get rid of that little rain cloud.


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