..........Annie, get your gun!!!
I just wonder how many bloggers have had something to say about this fine specimen today? This is, of course, the spokesperson for the Reich-Wing, Ann Coulter. Not many people really listen to what she has to say because she is so extreme to the right. She has certainly outdone herself this time. We could just call it even; as this incident would offset the stupid attempt at a joke by John Kerry; but, what fun would that be? Ann Coulter just raised thousands of dollars for the liberal left with her comments. I think they are calling it "Coulter Cash". People in the political arena need to lay off their attempts at humor - lying suits them best. Most Republicans will denounce her "faggot" joke in an attempt to save themselves from being associated with her and the ultra-far right. I hope that Ann has already spoken with fellow Reich-Winger, Rush Limbaugh, to see that she has the best damage control out there. I sure hope that Ann Coulter is scheduled to do a lot of Republican fund raising before 2008. Maybe the Democrats can work out a matching fund sort of thing. Her speeches seem to be great for everyone! Okay, Ann Coulter, you're an idiot - and that's all I have to say about that.
Now, on the the war in Iraq, and related stories thereof. It seems that the Walter Reed Hospital scandal is taking some people out of their jobs. We lost the General in charge and the Secretary of the Army at the end of the week. I guess that is supposed to fix everything. I'm not impressed at all that these men were removed from their posts for the Building 18 mess at Walter Reed. I just want to see things fixed and made fit for our wounded to recover in dignity. In all actuallity, removing these people from their posts will probably slow things down as the repairs are made. What if we actually made everyone responsible for the miscalculations in the Iraq War? What if we removed everyone from their job who screwed this up? The President said he took full responsibility for strategies that went wrong in Iraq. So what? If he is taking responsibility, shouldn't we be getting him out of office immediately? He doesn't take responsibility, because taking responsibility means that you are willing to take the consequences of your actions.
We, the American people, have been lied to time and time again about this war. Tell us the truth! We are in Iraq to protect "American interests". What that boils down to is American business interests - er, uh, oil. If that is why we are there, then lets just admit it and develop a clear mission. The US government wanted a presence in the Middle East and we decided that the Iraqi government would be the most centrally located; as well as, the easiest to overthrow. Tell me the truth so I can respect our decision. When one lie failed (weapons of mass destruction), we turned to another (free the Iraqi people from a tyrant).
Here's something that has always stuck in my gut......consider Saudi Arabia, the native home of most of the September 11th hijackers. The Saudis, unlike the Iraqis, have proven connections to al Qaeda. Saudi charities have funneled money to Islamic terrorist groups for years. Yet the Bush Administration insists on calling Saudi Arabia a good partner in the war on terror. Why? Because the U.S. has a longstanding relationship with the Saudi royal family (check out some of the archives film of George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld with the royal family), and a long history of commercial interests relating to Saudi oil. So successive administrations continue to treat the Saudis as something they are not - a reliable and honest friend in the Middle East.
The same is true of Pakistan, where General Musharaf seized power by force in a 1999 coup. The Clinton administration quickly accepted his new leadership as ligitimate, to the dismay of India and many Muslim Pakistanis. Since 9/11, we have showered Pakistan with millions in foreign aid in exchange for Musharaf's allegiance aganist al Qaeda. Yet has our new ally rewarded our support? Hardly. The Pakistanis almost certainly have harbored bin Laden in their remote mountains, and show little interest in pursuing him or allowing anyone else to pursue him. Pakistan has signed peace agreements with Taliban leaders, and by some accounts, has made bin Laden a folk hero to their people. Furthermore, more members of al Qaeda probably live within Pakistan that any other country today. North Korea developed its nuclear (excuse me, newclear) capability with technology sold to them by Pakistan. Yet, we somehow remain to be their friends. Too bad for you Saddam.
Wow, that really rambled on! Sorry for the long, frustrated post.
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