Tuesday, April 24, 2007

.........."I sense a disturbance in the Force."
This quote was made yesterday by Jedi Master, Yoda in regard to the recent call for impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney by Democrat House Member (and presidential candidate) Dennis Kucinich. Does the Sith Lord tremble? Hardly. This is just another waste of time and an opportunity to do some political grand-standing. Are you surprised by my analysis of the impeachement? You shouldn't be. Dick Cheney won't and can't be impeached at this point. Look guys, it's nearly 2008 - "ride it out"! Go ahead Kucinich, fall on your sword and end all the misery and negative publicity that you will soon gain!


At 3:11 AM, Blogger Rise said...

I honestly don't know what people are talking about concerning Cheney. He hasn't done anything wrong. He's a good man who understands the dangers in this world and is trying to keep us safe. I'm going to hate to see him leave in a couple years.


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