Wednesday, June 20, 2007

..........possible cure for Iraqtile dysfunction???

Lets drop this loud mouth on Iraq! What is Iraqtile dysfunction? In my opinion, it is having control of only 40% of Iraq after five years of fighting and winning over the population! We move in, we push the insurgents out, we move on (not having enough troops to maintain the ground we gain), the insurgents come back. Don't tell me that doesn't sound like Vietnam! I don't fault us for the failure to maintain the ground we gain. Sure, it's the incompetent behavior of the Iraqi forces/people that creates our problems. Lets cut them some slack. These native Iraqi citizens are scared to death. They live in a constant state of threat if they side with the US. This battle for Iraq will only be won when the determination of the Iraqi people gets stronger than that of their enemies. I'm sure Rush Limpbaugh will blame it on the liberals; and maybe, specifically on Bill Clinton.

How about our mission s in Iraq and Afghanistan? What's in it for us? Well, the administration will keep telling us that we have to kill them before they kill us. This is my theory......we are killing the enemy and we are winning battles. Our enemies keep just enough insurgents in action to keep us busy. They are moving more and more of their operations outside of Iraq and Afghanistan each day to train, plan , and execute terror where it is safe and friendly for them. Sure, one of the problems is Iran. Can you also say Pakistan? But wait, isn't Pakistan our buddy....kinda? Look! I see something shiny! The Taliban fighters are getting large-scale weapon supplies from Pakistan, for which we seem to ignore. Move along, nothing to see here! And sure, Iran is providing fighters and military supplies to kill American soldiers. What next? Do we attack Pakistan and Iran? If we choose to attack all those who aid the terrorists and provide them with fighters and weapons; we will then have to fight the entire Middle East! The real problem? The definition of the Global War On Terror is a grave misconception among Americans. We view the definition as being the United States aganist terror throughout the world. The real definition (in order to win the fight), is to gain allies aganist terror (through negotiation and trustworthy actions) who will join forces with us to fight the terrorist movements on a global scale. Wake up America! We can't police the world ourselves! We don't have the people and resources to pull it off! Cowboy justice by one nation will not win the day! We need leaders who are willing to get us those allies. We currently don't have them, and I don't forsee us getting them out of the 2008 elections. To pull completely out of Iraq and Afghanistan will not solve the problem. We must gain allies and take the fight on terror to the entire globe. Give the terrorists very few places to hide and ruin those nations who choose to guard terror. Ruin them in the financial world, ruin their ability to obtain the resources to sustain themselves, and, if necessary, fight them with an allied force of nations who choose to stand aganist terror!


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