..........quit your whining!
Somehow I knew that watching Glenn Beck last night would make me angry. With Mitt Romney dropping out of the race yesterday, the sense of "doom and gloom" Glenn would be everywhere; and I was not disappointed. What this guy doesn't realize is that he has quite a few people in his audience that identify with him and follow his suggestions as real truth. Get this Republicans - people like Glenn, Rush, and Sean had better pull their heads out of their butt and get on board with what they have in John McCain, or they may lose it all! Glenn went on and on about things last night with a full hour of whining and John McCain brow-beating. He missed no opportunity to blast Senator McCain; and in doing so, lessened support for the Republican Party and his own respectibility.
So, what has happened to the GOP? The Republican Party is paying its dues right now for their alliances of the past. The Reagan years were great for the Republicans; and they miss no opportunity to go back to those old memories whenever possible. Get yourself alligned with those years, and you're squared-away in the GOP. The problem started with the far right-wing alliance of the Evangelical Christian movement. When you allign yourself with these people as a voting block, you have to support their philosophies. As a result, you get a great deal of judgmental people speaking for you: example - Rev. Jerry Falwell. This alliance has caused you guys more problems than could ever be imagined. Standards are great - I love standards; but, standards don't have to always involve judgement and comdemnation of others. The longer the Republican Party is satisfied with the extreme right-wing doing their talking for them, the longer the Republicans will be left out in the cold. Like it or not, conservatism is on a sliding scale and will have to adapt to the times and to the mistakes of the party. Be careful of how harshly you openly judge (Rush, Glenn, Sean), as it will come back to haunt the party you claim to support in the end!
Now, why do we identify with the candidates we choose? I'm a registered Democrat; but, I liked the things Mitt Romney was saying. This guy is a successful politician and businessman, and I felt confident that he had some good answers for our country. With such great ideas, why did he lose so much support? Well, the Republicans didn't really rally behind him as they should in the beginning. You guys wasted your time with Fred Thompson while the Democrats gained more and more power. Fred was supposed to be the resurrected Ronald Reagan; but, he had no idea how to appeal to the people. This, I feel, was your ultimate mistake. Mitt Romney, no doubt, lost ground with many people in the Republican Party because of his religion. Again, the close alliance with the Evangelicals cost you again. I could care less about a guy's faith. All I interested in is wheather or not he can make decisions in the best interest of the American people. Mitt Romney would have done that, and the chance slipped right through our fingers. I'm not going to be so narrow as to not support someone for what they are (Mormon, Baptist, etc.); and, by the same token, support a candidate for what he is (Mormon, Baptist, etc.). Listen to what they're saying.
So, why does everyone hate John McCain? I think the matter is obvious - he's in the middle - a moderate. The hardcore Republicans see that as a threat. The Conservative Democrats see this as an opportunity. If I had to make my vote today, it would be for McCain; and I would cast that vote with no fear whatsoever. I won't let a party do all my thinking for me. I realize that with McCain, I can get a little of both worlds; and you know that I've been for the moderate politics all along. Either of the Democrats are just too left-wing for me. John McCain may surprise us all and be more of a uniting force that the hardcore folks on either side believe right now. At any rate, I'll go back to my original thought about the Republicans. Quit whining! You blew it again! Get on board with what you have, accept it, and support the only candidate that will keep your party alive in our national politics. Denounce the far right-wing as a hurtful and judgemental faction, regroup, and reorganize yourselves. It's your only hope for survival!
Republicans should have known from the beginning that a "right wing nut job" wouldn't do the trick in this election..not after GWB and his cronies. McCain is a true moderate and, despite his $200 price tag on a "Vote for McCain" fleece jacket, he is the best choice.
When it comes to Obama, I think the faith issue is a potential problem for Americans. I've received numerous e-mails (possibly from Republicans) claiming that Obama's Christian-ized faith is all fake. I'm not sure we need any of these types in the big chair. Someone needs to do some serious investigation on Obama's faith. I'm sure any type of terrorist organization would love nothing better than to attack from the inside. Now I know that people have recently studied him and his ways of doing things, but there's just something about Obama that I don't trust.
Hillary...she's just not right. 'nough said.
You're right--these Republicans better get in the game and realize McCain is their only hope. Support him! If I were the right wing nut job that some of these people are, I would much rather have McCain than Hillar-ious or Obama.
So, to those whining about McCain--shut up and buy yourself a warm fleece jacket for the low price of $200.
glenn beck is a whiner, alright. but he isn't the worst. i accidentally caught some hannity on the radio today. he makes my ears bleed talking about "the conservative movement" and "the future of america." at least rush speaks with complete sentences... and, i heard, is trying to resign conservatives to john mccain. let's face it, mccain is fairly conservative.. he has just stuck it to the republican party plenty in the past.
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