Thursday, May 08, 2008

..........what a ride!

National politics is a wild ride at best. Following the North Carolina and Indiana primaries, it appears that Hillary Clinton cannot clinch the Democratic nomination for the big race. I've heard tell of many Republicans switching their party affiliation so they could vote against Hillary in the primaries. Wow, what a desperate move! That is really a compliment for Hillary Clinton; as they [the Republicans] see her as that big of a threat for John McCain. As usual, the Repubs missed the boat and focused on the wrong threat. The threat is really who McCain will get to run with him. Most anyone that could carry him through (just as the Sith Lord did for Bush) is a real nut-job. John McCain will need some sort of sobering body to stand beside him as more and more emerges concerning his age and his temper. People are worried about those issues in him. On the other side of the fence, we have to ask ourselves if we are ready for Barack Obama. Senator Obama does not convince me that he has the experience or the goals in place to be effective. I think there's a real chance that he'll beat McCain. The blacks brought him through NC and will continue to do the same throughout the country. I hear many Democrats stating that they just won't vote if the choices are McCain and Obama. With the Obama camp, I really dread the next four years as we focus on black rights and Confederate battle flags over the courthouse. I really wonder what else the blacks want. What right does a black American not have at this point? When Obama is elected, we will see a surge in racism that we have not seen since the 1960's. It won't be about obtaining equality - it'll be about gaining dominance. Republicans are their own worst enemies. First, you lost your best candidate in Mitt Romney, because you hooked-up with the Southern Baptists and other right wing nut-job religious types in the 1980's. They couldn't handle Romney being a Mormon, and you lost! Second, you didn't have a very good "Plan B" when Romney left the race. Now you're stuck with non-electable, John "more of the same old Bush/Cheney crap" McCain. America won't go with your candidate - he's way too close to the present administration. The whole "change" issue is going to allow Obama to win. None of the Republicans should be able to stand up at this point, as you've all shot yourselves in the foot yet again!


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