Thursday, July 17, 2008

..........drill, drill, drill!

I would like to see the USA get the majority of its crude from her own soil. I really don't have a concern for ruining the environment for that purpose; and, "yes", I'm one of those horrible Democrats! You know; those left-wing socialist, higher tax, environmentalist first, and public school loving guys. If you believe that all Democrats are of that persuasion, then you are an idiot. Yes, an idiot! I get soooooooo sick of listening to the brainwashed right-wingnuts putting this blanket over anyone who is a Democrat. I often watch C-SPAN, and I don't see all the Republicans as these right-wing nut-jobs, and; therefore, don't choose to put a blanket over the entire Republican Party. Many Republican leaders are very intelligent and loyal Americans who convince me that they are acting in the best interest of all Americans. By the same token, there are Democrats in our leadership who believe and do the same. If you base all your political beliefs on Oxycontin and Viagra swilling types like Rush Limpbaugh, then you're part of the national political problem. People like Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are making millions of dollars by promoting political division between Americans. It's hard for me to believe that intelligent people buy into their baloney. Now to the title of this post. The big Republican talk now is "drill, drill, drill". We can drill our way out of this energy crisis; but, the Democrats and their environmentalists toadies are keeping us from doing it. So, was this not a problem prior to 2006? If there was such a need to drill, why were policies concerning protected areas not corrected when the Republicans had control of the Presidency, the Congress, and the Senate? The Democrats couldn't have stopped it prior to 2006 if all the Republicans were on the same page. Don't give me all that "crap" about this being a problem created by the Democrats.


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