..........no one prepared me for all this!
I guess that is what many parents say when it comes to raising their kids. Both of my daughters are in high school now and Megan will graduate next year. I just dropped Megan off at the front of the school with her admission ticket to take the SAT. In that brief moment when I watched her go from the car into the building, I saw time rush past. It seemed like only yesterday that I was dropping her off at Kindergarden for the first time. Before you know it, I'll be watching her graduate from high school and helping her unload her stuff at the college dorm. If I make it through that, I'll have to do it again with Lauren two years later. I talk to many parents who look forward to this next phase of life; when the children are out of the house and they can do whatever they want. That is about the last thing that Lisa and I look forward to. I can't even begin to tell you how much we love to spend time with our daughters. They are definitely the center of our lives. In the progression of raising our daughters, I have found one thing to be true. Each phase has something special to enjoy. I'm sure there will be many great times ahead when they do leave the nest; but I sure do miss those times when Daddy could make everything better with a hug and a kiss on the cheak.
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