..........takin' one for the team!!!
Another member of the Cheney/Bush Administration bites the dust! Another fall guy for the "lets do as we damn well please" way of doing things in Washington. The attorney firings were the last straw. Illegal wiretaps were a small part of the issue, and how about that border security. Okay, lets re-visit the attorney firings one more time. No, it is not unusual for an administration to fire U.S. Attorneys. It is unusual for it to happen in such large number and in mid-term by the same administration that had them appointed in the first place. Yeah, yeah, I know; Clinton fired attorneys, too. Yes, but he did it upon coming into office; as most administrations do. These attorneys were not playing ball with the White House. They were prosecuting according to the Constitution and were finding wrong-doings among some Republicans and their supporters. This does not sit well with the Sith Lord. The only obvious answer - get rid of them before they can make a link to us! Oops, we didn't win control of Congress in the mid-term elections. What do we do now? We have to find someone to take the fall and keep the heat off of the real problem. Alberto is a team player - he'll have no problem protecting us. And so, the saga continues. Executive privilege reigns supreme. No, I don't take pleasure in this at all. I don't want to see our government completely dissolve before my eyes; but, we have to play by the rules of the land. Sure, a great deal of this is politics. If things were being done according to the book (the Constitution), then we wouldn't have so many problems. Enjoy "spending more time with your family", Alberto. Remember you allowed (forced) you to do it. I wonder if this decision to resign was made at the point of a red light sabre????
a big reason i voted for bush the first time around was that he surrounded himself with good people. he wasn't a policy wonk like clinton, but he knew how to pick people like powell and cheney (pre 9-11 cheney was kind of normal) who would work hard for the country and knew what they were doing. gonzales was a good ol' boy from texas. i don't think he had any business running the justice department. i heard that he told some interns a few months ago to just work for the government a few years then go out and find a job in the private sector and make a lot of money.. and then he added, "that's what i'm going to do". sleaze
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