..........someone had better catch this before it becomes a problem the Republicans can't handle.
There's no doubt in anyone's mind at this point that I'm a Democrat. I don't lean so far to the left as to keep me from supporting some Republicans and their ideals. I usually profess that I am a "moderate" of sorts. Politics in this country are presently very polarizing. I still have some conservative views; but I have to admit, these views are subdued somewhat by our national leadership. I don't want to align myself with these people in any way, shape, or form. I like a balance of power. I don't like to see both the Senate and Congress under the control of the same party. By my point of view, that weakens debate, and weakened debate prevents both sides of an issue being stated and considered. If teaching has taught me anything at all; it is that there are two sides to most every issue.
The Republican Party had better get a handle on things. Young Americans are moving their blanket of support away from the Republicans. Wheather this is the result of the liberal media or actual happenings, it is going on. Some polls are worth listening to. Listening to the American people is an important issue. Take this information as an example:
Poll: Young voters disenchanted with the Republicant Party
A Democracy Corps poll from the firm of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner suggests voters ages 18 to 29 have undergone a striking political evolution in recent years. Young Americans have become so profoundly alienated from Republican ideals on issues including the war in Iraq, global warming, same-sex marriage and illegal immigration that their defections suggest a political setback that could haunt Republicans 'for many generations to come,' the poll said.
It's worth taking notice, and some action wouldn't be bad either. There is currently no Ronald Reagan in the Republican fold that will present the optimism that younger Americans are looking for. See if from their prosepective - these people [voters] are in college or are beginning their careers. They are looking for something to be optimistic about. There are many positive things about America, and someone in leadership had better get on the wagon and present them. Flag waving and a salute to the troops won't do it all.
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