..........on a lighter note.
I love being part of the public school system, and being a part of the national incentive to "leave no child behind" in his/her education. We attempt to expose our kids to all the things necessary to become well-rounded, educated members of our society. To do this requires experiences outside of the regular classroom. I was excited to see that one of our schools is planning to take a class period of instruction to present Mark Nizer to the students. Mr. Nizer has the title of International Juggling Champion!
I didn't mention anything about the commercials aired during the Super Bowl. The Snickers people have just cancelled the airing of their latest commercial where two men working in a garage share a Snickers bar ala Lady and the Tramp. They kiss and then do something "manly" to save face. Yeah, that made me uncomfortable, and I probably won't buy a Snickers bar for a while based on my homophobia.
How about those astronuats? I've heard just about enough about the crazy female astronuat; however, the whole incident did provide a great idea for shorter travel times on band trips. I'll just have the kids and parents wear adult diapers on the bus. When we make a rest stop, it usually takes anywhere from 30-45 minutes. Wow, we could really shave some time off our travel - thanks NASA!!!
I'll close with a recent quote. Just before one of the daily news conference meetings in the White House, a reporter from National Public Radio was heard saying, "....yeah, if Hillary Clinton is elected president in 2008, she will be the worst president of the 21st century!". Hearing this comment as he approached the podium, President Bush interupted saying, "Now wait a minute. Let's not jump to conclusions. You'll have to take into account that I still have a little over a year left in office.". (No, that actually did not happen; but it could have.)
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