Tuesday, February 13, 2007

..........I'm probably a Liberal.

All of the news folks, both conservative biased and liberal biased want to label me as one or the other. If I have to take a label, then I'll be a liberal. I believe in public education, limited public assistance, and the will of the people to send our country in it's direction. Our society is on a sliding scale, and always has been. There are so many issues to consider, but I just can't bring myself to agree wholeheartedly with one or the other political party. If push comes to shove, then I'll label myself as a liberal; but in reality, I'm neither liberal or conservative. I have personal standards that make me conservative, and there are other things that I'm not going to spend much time thinking about - i.e. abortion and gay rights. Let them have their options. I have my opinions; but I don't want a lot of my time wasted on the afore mentioned moral issues. Moral issues can be decided in places of worship and in the home. After that, we make our decisions and answer to our Maker in the end. Yes, I'm probably a Liberal. I don't consider myself above anyone else and I know that I definitely don't have all the answers. I'm also intelligent enough to know that neither the Democrats or the Republicans have these answers. They and their news toadies will tell me what I want to hear until my vote has been counted and the election time has passed. Following the election, I will continue my quest to question the doctrine and actions of my leaders. I want these elected persons to know that it was I that put them there and they will answer to me. The only sympathy I will display will be for those who believe in the word of these people with blind abandon.


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